- falx cerebri sign 大脑镰征
- The morphology of falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli was investigated in 3250 adult cadavers. 测量3250例成尸的大脑镰和小脑幕.
- We also review the other subtypes of chondrosarcoma and discuss the differential diagnosis of an aggressive-appearing extra-axial hypervascular tumor at the falx cerebri. 我们也回顾其他种类的软骨肉瘤并讨论大脑镰上血液供应丰富肿瘤的鑑别诊断。
- Among 10 cases, 4 cases were located at the skull base, 4 cases at convexity, 1 case at the region of falx cerebri, and 1 case within the brain parenchyma. 10例中,肿瘤位于颅底4例,大脑凸面4例,大脑镰区、脑实质内各1例;
- Fig.3 Accumulated water in hard cerebromeningealThere is banding watery density reflection in cerebral of outside both frontal leaf.Both outside crack of falx cerebri expand. 标题: 图3硬脑膜下积液双额叶外侧颅内可见带状水样密度影;大脑镰双侧外侧裂均见增宽.
- A detailed US examination using a 3.5-MHz transabdominal probe demonstrated a fused single ventricle, a fused thalami, a cleft lip and palate, and the absence of falx cerebri in her fetus. 腹部超音波显示胎儿有单一脑室,融合的视丘及缺少大脑帘并唇裂及颚裂畸形。
- A detailed US examination using a3.5- MHz transabdominal probe demonstrated a fused single ventricle, a fused thalami, a cleft lip and palate, and the absence of falx cerebri in her fetus. 腹部超音波显示胎儿有单一脑室,融合的视丘及缺少大脑帘并唇裂及颚裂畸形。
- Techniques such as image processing and meshing were applied to obtain geometric data and develop finite element mesh. The model consisted of left and right brain, cerebellar ,falx cerebri and cerebellum. 本文首先根据人体脑部的螺旋CT扫描图像,利用图形处理,三维重建和有限元网格划分技术,建立了一个基于人体解剖学结构的脑部的三维有限元模型,该模型包括左右半脑、小脑、脑镰、小脑幕、脊液等部分,共26260个节点,30837个单元,模型生物材料特性分别采用弹性和粘弹性模型描述。
- Intracranial mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is one of the rare tumors of the central nervous system, which often presents as an aggressive-appearing extra-axial hypervascular tumor at the falx cerebri. 摘要间质软骨肉瘤是中枢神经系统中罕见肿瘤之一,它通常以大脑镰上血液供应丰富的肿瘤表现。
- Epidermoid cyst in the falx cerebri: report of 1 case 大脑镰内表皮样囊肿1例
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- Differential diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage and falx cerebri by CT 蛛网膜下腔出血与大脑镰的CT鉴别诊断
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。
- Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks. 士兵离开营房得登记签字。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。
- Make sure that the sign's the right way up. 一定要把符号的上下弄对。
- Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Human Dura Mater Encephali Falx Cerebri and Tentorium Cerebelli 人体硬脑膜、大脑镰和小脑幕的力学性能试验研究