- Six varieties were compared on incidence, severity and loss rate of false smut of rice (FSR). 采用6个对稻曲病抗感程度不同的水稻品种(组合),调查稻曲病发病率、严重度并计算损失率。
- Using false smut of rice (FSR) sclerotia isolation,the pathogen of FSR was cultured in PSA medium. 在PSA培养基上,利用稻曲病菌菌核分离培养了稻曲病菌。
- SAS results indicated false smut of rice analysis mainly influenced the yield of rice by percentage of diseased ears rate, next is the percentage of diseased spikes rate. 用SAS统计软件分析田间数据结果表明稻曲病影响水稻产量的主因素是病穗率,其次是病粒率,病穴率是次要因素。
- Percentage of diseased hill holerate is the secondary factor.The occurrence extent of false smut of rice mainly depended on the quantity of chlamydospore that over-wintered last year. 根据田块中的厚垣孢子含量推断,影响水稻稻曲病发病程度的主因素可能是上年的厚垣孢子在田间的越冬量。
- Research Advance on False Smut of Rice 稻曲病研究进展
- Research Progress of False Smut of Rice Plant 我国稻曲病的研究进展
- Advances in Study on False Smut of Rice 国内外稻曲病研究进展
- Occurrence Rule and Controlling Measure of False Smut of Rice Plant 水稻稻曲病的发生规律与防治
- Relationship between False Smut of Rice and plant traits of rice 稻曲病发病程度与水稻株型的相关性
- The Experiment in the Control of False Smut of Rice Plant 稻曲病防治试验
- Effect of Mixed Chemical on False Smut of Rice Plant 井冈霉素与氧化亚铜复配制剂对水稻稻曲病防效测定
- Study on the Occurrence Principle of False Smut of Rice Plant 白湖圩区水稻稻曲病发生规律研究
- Reason and Controlling Countermeasure of False Smut of Rice Plant 水稻稻曲病发生的原因及防治对策
- The Occurrence Principle and Control Technique of False Smut of Rice Plant 稻曲病的发生规律及药剂防治技术
- Study on the Suitable Time of the Control of False Smut of Rice Plant 水稻稻曲病防治适期研究
- Analysis on the outbreaks of rice false smut of medium hybrid rice in mountain areas and its countermeasure 丘陵山区杂交中稻稻曲病发生原因及防治对策
- false smut of rice 稻曲病
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- The chemical control of rice false smut 防治水稻稻曲病药剂研究初探
- A Study on Raw Toxin of Rice False Smut 稻曲病菌粗毒素的初步研究