- The company was enjoined from using false advertising. 该公司被禁止使用假广告。
- The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising. 该购物中心同意不再作假广告。
- The company was forced to desist from false advertising. 公司被迫停止虚假广告。
- The Federal Trade Commission investigates false advertising. 联邦贸易委员会调查不实广告
- They advise consumers do not be led astray by false advertising. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
- The unbelievable claims that television commercials make are sometimes examples of false advertising. 电视广告用些难以置信的广告词,是不实广告的例子。
- "That is all untrue, a deceptive and misleading advertising content consumers are false advertising. 也就是说凡是不真实的,有欺骗和误导消费者内容的广告都是虚假广告。
- The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising. 食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。
- Spitzer's office maintains that these and other claims made by the company violate the state's false advertising and general business laws. 斯皮策办公室认为公司的这些说法违反了纽约州的广告欺诈法和商业法。
- A Bakery that sells Father's Day cakes made with real Viagra ingredients faces charges for either unauthorized sale of a prescription drug, or false advertising otherwise. 一间店为著赴阿爸节卖嫫阿龟热(而钢)做耶鸡卵糕,想袂到犯著法,因为若有影有掺,道是无经过医生开药方咧卖处方药,若是无掺道是广告讲白贼。
- Once an attack is activated, everything from account hijacking, changing of user settings, cookie theft and poisoning, or false advertising is possible. 一旦激活了攻击,就可能发生从截获帐户、更改用户设置、窃取和篡改cookie到虚假广告在内的任何事情。
- For breach of town planning, undocumented or leapfrog development, contract fraud, false advertising and other irregularities must be strictly punished. 对违反城市规划、无证或越级开发、合同欺诈、虚假广告等违规行为要从严查处。
- Hall of the United States District Court, District of Connecticut, granted Schick a preliminary injunction against false advertising claims by Gillette for its M3Power razor. Hall,授予舒适一禁制令,禁止吉列进一步对锋速3动力刮胡刀做出任何不实的广告。
- If the advertising agents run false advertisements, the consumers may request administrative departments to mete out punishment. 广告的经营者发布虚假广告的,消费者可以请求行政主管部门予以惩处。
- Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements. 轻信的人很容易上虚假广告的当。
- Those are false advertisement that ripped off many consumers. 那些都是欺骗顾客花钱的虚假广告。
- Advertising company shall not be an agent of, or design, or make, or propagandize false advertisement, if it know or should know the truth. 广告的经营者不得在明知或者应知的情况下,代理、设计、制作、发布虚假广告。
- to ballyhoo the expenders with false advertising 用假广告蛊惑消费者
- The Overlord and Queen Antonia have both cracked down on recent vendor practices of falsely advertising their wares to be better than they are once equipped. 霸王和安东尼亚女王下令严惩某些违反公平交易法的商人,先前那些商人手中的某些货品价格超出应有的品质水准。
- They advise the customers not to be mislead by the false advertisements. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).