- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- He was not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge. 他的许多困难都是因为他的知识的贫乏而产生的。
- An encyclopedia is a well of knowledge. 百科全书是知识的源泉。
- Displaying a lack of knowledge or skill. 拙劣的显示出缺乏知识或技巧的
- A universal scope or range, as of knowledge. 博学多才广泛的范围或领域,如知识
- A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge. 浅薄的涉猎者在艺术或知识领域里的涉猎者
- This encyclopedia is truly a compendium of knowledge. 这部百科全书真正是知识宝库。
- The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge. 这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。
- Search of knowledge and love of study are in separable. 追求知识与爱好学习是不可分割的。
- fallibility of knowledge 知识的可错性
- He has a smattering of knowledge about physics. 他对物理一知半解。
- But the movement of knowledge does not end here. 然而认识运动至此还没有完结。
- The trouble issued from her lack of knowledge. 麻烦是由她的无知而引起的。
- An encyclopaedia contains a lot of knowledge. 百科全书包含很多知识。
- There is no obvious reason for this, but the example points to the fallibility of placing too much trust in published figures, when attempting to evaluate rarity. 我们找不到明显的解释,但对某种硬币罕有性的估计,是不能完全根据公布的铸量数字的。
- Provides an examination method of numerical control about the fallibility of the involute gear. 提供了一种渐开线齿轮误差数控检测方法,给出了控制电路及算法,有效地提高了检测精度。
- But believing in the fallibility of the central bank could serve investors well. 不过相信美联储也会犯错会对投资者有好处。
- His pride of knowledge is ridiculous. 他以学问自诩是可笑的。
- I am at the portal of knowledge. 我在知识的入门处。