- Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。
- His hearty laughter is testimony of his happiness. 他尽情的欢笑可以证明他很幸福。
- I have reliance in the testimony of the witness. 我相信证人的证词。
- fallacious testimony. 产生误导的证词
- The witness is giving false testimony. 那个证人在作伪证。
- Several men were called for testimony. 好几个人被传来作证。
- The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony. 目击者驳斥了早些时提出的证词。
- The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty. 目击者的证词证明他有罪。
- The case stands on the witness's testimony. 此案要依据证人的证词来处理。
- A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion. 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论
- Interlaced the testimony with half-truths. 使证词中只含有一半真话
- fallacious testimony; 骗人的证词;
- Nothing could refute her testimony that the driver was drunk. 她关于那个司机已经喝醉的证词无可辩驳。
- Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious. 高斯向他指出证明是错误的。
- They drew a fallacious conclusion at last. 最后, 他们下了个荒谬的结论。
- His smile was testimony of his consent. 他的微笑表明他同意了。
- The testimony tallies with the report. 证词与报告吻合。
- A fallacious or illogicalargument or conclusion. 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论。
- The transcript of court testimony; an academic transcript. 法庭证词的记录; 学生成绩报告单
- Nothing is so fallacious as facts, except figures. 没有什么比事实更易误导人,除了数字。