- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- Sounds of torrents fall on all sides upon the ear. 耳边净是四下里急流倾泻的声响。
- I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! 我扑向这生命的荆棘,为之流血。
- fall upon the ears 被某人听见,传到某人耳朵里
- A strange sound smote upon the ear. 怪声震耳。
- An awed hush fell upon the bystanders. 旁观的人听了都惊愕得说不出话来。
- An oppressive silence fell upon the room. 死样的沉默压在这书房里。
- I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed. 我倒在人生的荆棘上,淌着血。
- The hungry children fell upon the food. 饿极了的孩子们扑向食物,抢吃起来。
- The sunlight fell upon the mountain peaks. 阳光照在山峰上。
- If the stone fall upon the egg, alas for the egg! 假如巨石砸到鸡蛋上,为可怜的鸡蛋祈祷吧!
- fall upon the ear 被某人听到,传到某人的耳朵
- A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game. 难耐的寂静沈沈地占据观众的心。
- I trembled, and let the letter fall upon the floor. 我颤抖起来,红字滑落到了地板上。
- He fell upon the new idea and after a long time of hard work wrote an important paper on it. 他下苦功思考这一新观点,经过长时间的艰苦工作,写了一篇论文,对此进行阐述。
- They fall upon the naked stem and stains of blood appear. 洒上空枝见血痕.
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- We fell upon the enemy troops as they slept. 我们趁敌军睡觉时袭击了他们。
- He pulled my ears/me by the ears. 他扯我的耳朵。
- All sorts of strange sounds met the ear. 听见了各种奇怪的声音。