- 2 So the LORD allowed them to fall into the power of the Canaanite king, Jabin, who reigned in Hazor. The general of his army was Sisera, who dwelt in Harosheth-ha-goiim. 因此上主将他们交在客纳罕王雅宾手中,他当时在哈祚尔为王,他的军长息色辣驻扎在哈洛舍特哥因。
- fall into the power of 落在
- They fell into the seething waters of the rapids. 他们跌进了汹涌的急流中。
- Power has fallen into the hands of others. 大权旁落。
- Don't let it fall into the hands of the enemy. 不要让它落入敌人手中。
- He fell into the clutches of the criminal gang. 他落到了犯罪集团的魔爪中。
- The islands of the Ocean shall be given into the power of the Boar, and it shall lord it over the forests of Gaul. 海洋的岛屿会被给予野猪的权力,它会称王称霸,超过了高卢的森林。
- He fell into the habit of going there every Saturday evening. 他每星期六晚上到那里去,已经成为习惯。
- The better we know God the more wonderful becomes our insight into the power of intercession. 我们越认识神,我们就越看见代祷能力的奇妙。
- In short, the interagency task force projects the power of grand strategy into the tactical level of war in cities. 简而言之,联合事务特遣队在市民中将重大战略的影响投射到战争的战术级别。
- He fell into the water, much to the entertainment of the onlookers. 他跌进水中,旁观者大乐。
- Gardens contrived to divert the power of botanical growth into the tame artifacts of domesticated crops. 园圃人为地把植物生长动力转入驯化作物。
- I fell into the water with a splash. 我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。
- A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
- He overbalanced and fell into the water. 他失去平衡跌入水中。
- He soon fell into the way of walking barefoot. 他很快就养成了赤脚走路的习惯。
- He fell into the water with a splash. 他扑通一声跌入水中。
- The boy fell into the water, and bobbed up. 那孩子落入水中,但很快就浮了起来。
- Knowing the power that his prophecies contained, and wary of this power falling into the wrong hands, Michel de Nostradamus scrambled both the meaning and the order of his quatrains. 诺查丹玛斯意识到了他的预言能力所包含的力量,而这种力量的很大部分又落入坏人手上,他在他的四行诗里面故意把意思和次序都打乱。
- Mind you do not fall into the ditch! 小心,别掉到沟里去!