- fake or poor products 伪劣产品
- If rivals stumble or fail, that may be down to their own inefficiency or poor products, and not because they were preyed upon. 竞争对手的失足抑或失败可能是因由自身的低效率或是低竞争力的产品,而并非由于对手的逼迫。
- Workers should not be unfairly punished for things such as declining overtime, being tardy, producing defective goods, or poor production. 工人不得对如以下行为受到任何惩罚:拒绝加班,迟到,做出次品或较差的生产。
- Probe into Crime of Producing and Selling Fake or Poor Quality Products 生产销售伪劣产品罪若干问题探讨
- Recognize the real product markings. Beware of imitation, fake and poor products. 请认准产品标志,勿购假冒伪劣商品。
- The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims. 保护消费者免受劣质产品和误导性广告的侵害。
- One who fakes or produces fakes. 伪造者或制造假货的人
- Unjust or poor treatment; ill-usage. 虐待不公平或差别待遇; 折磨
- Rich or poor, we will keep together. 无论贫富,我们都要在一起。
- A condition of confusion caused by mistakes or poor judgment. 一团糟因错误或疏忽引起的混乱
- It makes no difference to me whether you were rich or poor. 你是富是穷与我毫无关系。
- How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance? 如果工人有不端行为或恶劣的表现会受到什麽处分?
- The production, selling or use of fake or inferior medicines is strictly prohibited. 严禁生产、经营、使用假药或者劣药。
- Although make up can do wonders for a person, it can make you look fake or tacky if done the wrong way. 化妆可以很大地改变一个人,但化不好也会让你变得虚假俗气。
- It makes no difference to me whether you are rich or poor. 你是富是穷与我毫无关系。
- We see things differently according to whether we are rich or poor. 根据我们的贫富程度,我们看事情的观点是不同的。
- Although this “fake it ‘till you feel it” strategy might seem fake or inauthentic, I've found it to be almost creepily effective. 虽然“装到感到为止“的策略可能好像是冒牌、不真实,可是我发现那尤为有效。
- Nor does he omit the plagues, famines and diseases which made life a lottery for everyone, rich or poor, until the most recent times. 直到现在,他没有疏忽使人人(无论贫富)生活都不得安宁的瘟疫、饥荒和疾病。
- We see thing differently according as we are rich or poor. 根据我们的贫富程度,我们看事情的观点是不同的。
- We see things differently according as we are rich or poor. 我们对事物不同看法取决于我们是贫是富。