- fake a shot at goal 假动作射门
- The striker had/took a shot at goal, ie tried to score. 前锋射门.
- He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门。
- To take a penalty corner,one attacker stands with the ball on a designated spot on the back line. The player pushes out the ball to other attackers,waiting to take a shot at goal. 发惩罚性角球时,进攻队的一名球员带球站在端线的一个指定地点,向进攻队等着射门得分的其他球员开球。
- He missed a great opportunity to shoot at goal. 他错过了一个投篮的最佳机会。
- The hunter snapped a shot at the deer. 猎人迅速向鹿开了一枪。
- It's a hard job but I'll have a shot at it. 这工作不容易,可是我想试试看。
- The hunter took a shot at the birds as they flew over. 鸟群从头顶飞过时,猎人举枪向它们射击。
- The sheriff snapped a shot at the fleeing bandit. 警长对逃跑中的强盗急速开了一枪。
- It's a hard job but I'll have a shoot at it. 这工作不容易,可是我想试试看。
- It's not easy but I'd like to have a shot at it. 那件事不容易,但是我想试一试。
- He would make a shot at a Latin tag. 他要尝试一下拉丁文短语。
- I took a shot at the passing bird,but missed. 我向飞过去的鸟射击,可没打中。
- The team are looking good for a shot at the title. 看来这个队力争夺冠的势头不错。
- He's having a shot at cooking the dinner. 他在试着做饭。
- I'll give anything a shot at least once. 任何事情我至少要试一次。
- Do you think we have a shot at the championship? 你认为我们有取得冠军的机会吗?
- Val did come like a shot at six o'clock. 六点钟,法尔飞一般地来了。
- The sheriffsnapped a shot at the fleeing bandit. 警长对逃跑中的强盗急速开了一枪。
- He fired a shot at the bird but missed. 他朝鸟开了一枪,但是没打着。