- We should persist in carrying it out. 就要坚持干下去。
- failure in carrying it out 执行失灵
- In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out. 既然任何调查都具有秘密性质,那么在进行调查过程中自然要对所有参与此事的人进行限制。
- In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from contact with other countries. 就任何一项研究工作都是保密的来说,这自然会限制所有从事此项科研的人们与其他国家的接触,
- In so far as any inquiry is a secret one,it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out. 既然任何调查都具有秘密性质,那么在进行调查过程中自然要对所有参与此事的人进行限制。
- In so far as any inquiry is a secret one,it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from contact with other countries. 就任何一项研究工作都是保密的来说,这自然会限制所有从事此项科研的人们与其他国家的接触,
- In carrying it out, we will curtail some of our construction projects, making adequate cutbacks in certain areas while striving for continued growth in others. 这次调整,在某些方面要后退,而且要退够。
- In carrying it out,we will curtail some of our construction projects,making adequate cutbacks in certain areas while striving for continued growth in others. 这次调整,在某些方面要后退,而且要退够。
- It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 制订了一个计划比执行它要容易些。
- Autonomy: The degree to which a job provides substantial freedom independence and discretion to the individual in scheduling work and determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out. 工作自主性:指一项工作给任职者在安排工作内容,确定工作程序方面,实际上提供了多大的自由度,独立性及自主权。
- I have no idea who can carry it out. 我不知道谁能执行这个计划。
- The next we should do is to carry it out. 下一步就是付诸实践了。
- It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out . 制订一个计划比执行一个计划要容易。
- If he agrees to my plan,I can carry it out. 如果他同意我的计划,我就能执行它。
- Once a decision is made,we must carry it out. 一旦做了决议,我们就要执行。
- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
- We'll do everything we can to carry it out. 我们会全力以赴来履行协议的。
- He was stripped down for his failure in the exam. 他考试不及格受到严厉责骂。
- If you make a promise, you should carry it out. 既然许愿就要还愿。
- You need experience to carry it out right. 没有经验你就尽不了职。