- I have also participated in the preparation of several papers which were written by my faculty advisor,Dr. Li. 我还参加了我的指导老师李博士所写的几篇论文准备工作。
- I have also participated in the preparation of several papers which were written by my faculty advisor, Dr. Li. 我还参加了我的指导老师李博士所写的几篇论文准备工作。
- To participate in MCM a team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor from their institution. The registration process must be completed by the advisor. 每个MCM的参赛队需有一名所在单位的指导教师负责。整个注册报名过程需由该指导教师完成。
- Students will receive feedback from a variety of sources throughout the practicum, including their mentor, faculty advisor, and their students. 学生会在他们的技巧中发现缺陷,这些缺陷会在剩余的课程为集中他们的学习服务。
- To participate in MCM a team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor from their institution.The registration process must be completed by the advisor. 每个MCM的参赛队必须有一个来自他们所在院系的指导老师,登记过程必须由指导老师完成。
- Students selecting this concentration work with a faculty advisor developing a learning contract tailored to individual and specific needs. ... 学生选择这个与指导老师集中学习的工作合同,开发一个针对个人的具体需要。...
- Dear Delegate, are you sure that you want to participate ? You school will send a delegation. We suggest you contact your Faculty Advisor first and make him/her informed. 亲爱的代表,您确信要参加吗?你所在的学校已经决定组团参加,我们建议您先同指导老师联系一下以确定参与方式。
- Her faculty adviser,James Ha,suggested they head for the beach. 她的导师,詹姆斯·哈建议去海滩观察。
- Her faculty adviser, James Ha, suggested they head for the beach. 她的导师,詹姆斯·哈建议去海滩观察。
- As a result of his outstanding work on the computer modeling project, his faculty advisor recommended Kar Seng for a job at the multinational civil and structural engineering firm Ove Arup. 由于他在这个计算机模型专题作业上表演突出,其后获系内导师推荐,加入一家跨国土木及结构工程公司-奥雅纳(OveArup)工作。
- Last but not the least, Peter, Iris, Cronin and Amber would like to thank Mr.Simon So, Faculty Advisor from Department of Management, for his guidance and support he had provided to the team. 最后,培德、钧诒、路宁和艺卉希望多谢管理学系的苏关求先生,对他们一直以来的指导和支持。
- Since faculty advisor Vagts doesn't have any inclination to check on a paper he didn't well read the first time, it lies to the public to unearth the truth about Ma's real scholarship. 既然维格兹顾问一点都不想再检阅这份他当初未好好阅读的文件,那么揭露马英九真正学术成果的真相之责就落在你我身上了。
- College counselors, faculty advisers and one very successful student offer the following tips on how to get the most out of your college education. 大学学生辅导员、教师顾问和一个非常成功的学生提供出下列提议,即如何从你的大学教育里得到最多。
- However, as has been indicated in the previous section, the process of registering for classes usually begins with a personal consultation with the faculty adviser, who helps a student select appropriate courses. 不过就像前面已讲过的,注册上课的程序通常从学生直接与院系顾问咨询开始,那位顾问帮助学生选择适当的课程。
- This boy has a faculty of making friends easily. 这个男孩有交友的能力。
- He has a great faculty for mathematics. 他具有很强的学数学的才能。
- He has lost his faculty of memory. 他失去了记忆力。
- Lacking the faculty of speech; mute. 丧失了说话能力的; 哑的
- Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech. 人类是唯一有说话能力的动物。
- He has the faculty of saying the right thing at the right time. 他有在恰当的时候说恰当的话的才智。