- Slough off dead skin cells by using a facial scrub. 通过面部擦洗去除死皮细胞。
- Wash your face with crushed sage apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red. 用天然杏子脸部清洗剂来擦洗脸部十分钟;直至脸部发红.
- This daily facial scrub helps improve skin tone, texture and clarity to reveal brighter, more radiant skin. 此磨砂洗面奶能有效地调和肤色、和面纹,使肌肤更亮丽动人,焕发光彩。
- Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red and raw. 用杏仁精华的洗面奶洗脸10分钟,知道脸上发红,死皮完全去除。
- Exfoliate your Skin:Getting a facial scrub and using it twice a week can take YEARS off your face, really. 爱自己-充满热情:这听起来会有些老土,但它确实是一切的核心。
- With an invigorating citrus fragrance that will instantly enliven your senses, CLEAN & CLEAR MORNING BURST Facial Scrub leaves you looking and feeling energized for the day ahead! 随着振兴柑橘的香味,将立即搞活你的感官,可伶可俐早晨突发面部磨砂树叶您在寻找和感受活力的前一天!
- Facial Cleanser, Cleansing Milk, Facial Scrub, Peeling Cream, Dehydrate mask, Aromatherapy Paper mask, Floral Water, Moisturizing Lotion, Hydrafresh Gel, and SPF 15 Lotion are simply your choice. 香薰洁面啫喱、洁面奶、深层洁净磨沙膏、去疤脱皮膏、水份漂白面膜、美白防皱香薰牛奶面膜、花卉爽肤水、特效补湿霜、清爽保湿啫喱及天竺葵防晒霜等产品就是你的选择。
- Facial scrubs and loofahs increase your risk of permanent scarring. 皮肤表面的擦洗和去死皮石的使用之会带来长久的忧虑。
- Licking your pow is just the first step,after that,you need to use a good antibacterial body wash, then a exfoliating herbal facial scrub, followed by avocado moisturizing cleanser... " 舔你的爪子只是第一步,接着,你需要一个好的抗菌浴液,然后是一个用鳄梨保湿洗面乳去除死皮角质的脸部擦洗。
- Body shop Tea tree oil facial scrub 茶树油面部磨砂膏
- Ml The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Facial Scrub 美体小铺茶树控油磨砂膏
- KIEHL'S Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub 菠萝木瓜磨砂乳霜
- Deep Cleansing Foaming Facial Scrub 深层磨砂泡沫
- Wash spotty areas with a gentle cleanser: facial scrubs, astringents and masks generally aren't recommended as they can irritate skin. 通常不主张使用面部磨砂膏、收敛剂和面膜,因为这些会刺激皮肤。
- The spilt ink won't scrub out easily. 泼出的墨水不容易擦洗掉。
- No, I'm going to get a facial massage. 不,我要去做脸部按摩。
- The cream dissolves facial hair. 这种化妆品能清除脸上的汗毛。
- The country is covered in scrub. 这一地区为矮灌木丛覆盖。
- We found the animal on a scrub hill. 我们在一个灌木丛生的丘陵上找到这动物。
- Give that floor a good hard scrub. 使劲擦洗一下那地板。