- The paper introduces the traits, operating technology and the effect of the environmental-permeable face brick. 摘要文章介绍一种环保型透水地面砖的特点,施工工艺和使用效果。
- The young peasant, his face brick red, shook his head. He put down the umbrella and started to leave. Mr. Lin was frantic. He quickly gave ground. 那年青的乡下人满脸涨红,摇一下头,放了伞也就要想走,这可把林先生急坏了,赶快让步问道:
- Popularly face brick, clean is provided wait for building materials to classify, be like classy article, one class is tasted. 一般地面砖、洁具等建材分等级,如优等品、一级品。
- Knock the tracery wall face brick with gorgeous color for instance broke the shop is on the ground of toilet, affix the ground face brick with monochromatic simple but elegant again wall. 比如把颜色艳丽的花墙面砖敲碎了铺在卫生间的地上,再把素雅一色的地面砖贴上墙。
- The ground face brick of kitchen, toilet, balcony is principal prevent namely slippery, because the damp lunt of these places makes the ground very easily wet slip, cause inconvenience. 厨房、卫生间、阳台的地面砖首要就是防滑,因为这些地方的潮湿水汽很轻易让地面湿滑,造成不便。
- Calculate on coating of odd constituent environmental protection polyurethane, enclothe the cement layer on coating and face brick, of every square metre with stuff is ordinary won't exceed 400 yuan. 算上单组分环保型聚氨酯涂料、覆盖在涂料上的水泥层以及面砖,每平方米的用料一般不会超过400元。
- Caesious facing brick, with considerably tactile material nature, showing architecture's extended sense taste. 青灰色的面砖,以其颇具质感的材质表现建筑外延的感观感受。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- Preparation of the face brick raw material in ceramics 陶瓷面砖原料的制备
- Study on making environmental-friendly face brick with red mud 赤泥环保型清水砖的研究
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。
- A dash of water in his face will revive him. 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。
- A simple talk about spreading the facing brick 浅议清水砖的推广
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- Her face was overclouded with grief. 她的脸色因悲伤而变阴沉。
- Talking about fired facing brick 浅议烧结清水墙装饰砖