- eyes like burning torches 目光如炬
- Loved one, there is no distinction between success and failure and evaluation, only feel the warmth of life left, like burning torches lit up the rest of his life. 爱过一个人,没有成功和失败的区分和评价,只有感觉生命中留下的温暖,像燃烧的火把,照亮余生。
- The glare on the windshields etches your eyes like a welding torch. 挡风玻璃上的闪光犹如电焊枪一样刻蚀你的双眼。
- His emblems are the spear and the burning torch. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。
- He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts. 他以严厉的眼光吓他们,活象兽群中间的驯兽师。
- There was the smell of sulfur, like burning tires. 那味道闻起来像是硫磺,像是燃烧的轮胎一样。
- The flowers of cuckoo look like burning fire. 殷红欲燃杜鹃花。
- His emblems are the spear and the burning torch; His chosen animals are haunters of the battle field, -- the vulture and the dog. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬; 他的爱畜是兀鹰和猎犬---两种战场上的常客。
- And eyes like pearls shining bright. 眸子像珍珠闪光。
- Your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes. 你的如烟的眼神和美丽的祈祷。
- In the evening, people hold burning torches, sing and dance, stay up all the night. 夜晚,人们举着熊熊的火把,通宵达旦,载歌载舞。
- Men struggled together for the same gun and ran into each other with their burning torches. 他们拿着熊熊的火把奔来奔去,几乎你撞倒我,我撞倒你,费尽了劲,却奔向同一支枪。
- He has a red noseband no big eyes like stars on his face. 我小的时候,常常存一些硬币水然后投入它圆圆的身体里。
- Cotton and linen burn quickly and easily, and smell like burning paper. 棉布和亚麻布都易燃,燃烧产生的气味象烧纸一样。
- And Death, who plucks eyes like flowers, doesn't find my eyes...... 而那将眼睛如花般摘下的死亡,将无法企及我的双眸......
- Sally is a girl with eyes like Egypt and nylons the color of smoke. 萨莉是个有着一双像埃及人的、尼龙的烟雾色的眼睛的女孩。
- This horn had eyes like a man, and a mouth that spoke arrogantly. 看,小角上还有眼睛,相似人的眼睛,有一个夸大的口。
- The IOC guests were driven in a fleet of taxis to the Palace, which had been floodlit for the occasion, and through the Grand Entrance lit by burning torches. 来自国际奥委会的客人们被出租车队送进了白金汉宫。为了这次盛宴,白金汉宫被装点得灯火辉煌。宫殿入口处的整个前厅都被熊熊燃烧的火炬照亮。
- She was wearing a scent like burnt roses. 她身上有一股好似烧焦了的玫瑰花的香味。
- Sally,who taught you to paint your eyes like Cleopatra ? 谁教你把眼睛抹得像埃及艳后一样?