- eye lid plate 眼睑板, 角板, 眼睑固定器
- Move the map layer below the feathered white eye lid layer. 将地图图层拖到眼球图层的下面。
- Using matte brown on eye lid to cut down the puffiness. (1)在眼盖部位先涂上褐色眼影,这将能减低眼皮浮肿。
- Hide the duplicate layer. Using elliptical marquee tool select the eye lid. 隐藏复制的图层,使用椭圆工具选择眼球。
- Select eraser tool and using a feathered big radius brush settings, click at the center of the eye lid. 使用橡皮擦工具并选择大半径羽化刷子。在眼球的中心点击一下。
- Merge three map layers. Move the first join area of the map to the center of eye lid. 将三层地图层合并。将前两幅图的中央放在眼球中心的位置。
- Conclusion Exclusion between eye lid skin,pediculated orbicular muscle,tarsus for treatment congenital entropion is a better method. 结论应用眼睑皮肤-轮匝肌-睑板间钝分离术治疗先天性睑内翻,手术方法简单,痛苦少,效果可靠。
- It also looks great dusted on the eye lids. 里面所带的刷子除了颜色其他与蒲公英粉一致。
- Objective To investigate effect of exclusion between eye lid skin, pediculated orbicular muscle and tarsus for treatment congenital entropion. 结论应用眼睑皮肤-轮匝肌-睑板间钝分离术治疗先天性睑内翻,手术方法简单,痛苦少,效果可靠。
- Place it over the eye lid. 将这个图像放在眼球上面。
- Methods: Basedon traditional operative methods was new the excision method of skin and orbicularis oculi according to different quantity and time, preformed to 198 cases in eye lid blepharoplasty. 方法:以传统的三种眼袋整形手术方法为基础,对198例眼袋整形的患者进行了皮肤和肌肉两层分离法的术式研究。两层分离法主要采用皮肤与眼轮匝肌不等量、不同步切除。
- Results The height of the two eyes lid was nearly symmetry after operation, the effect of rectifing katotropia was satisfactory. 结果术后双眼睑高度基本对称,下斜视矫正效果良好。
- No, i like no double eye lid or small ones 不是,我喜欢单眼皮或是小眼睛的
- sty [inflamed swelling on the edge of eye lid] 麦粒肿
- He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt. 她掀起锅盖加点盐。
- Also using the airbrush in color mode, I applied a touch of make-up to the woman's eye lids. 同样应用喷枪工具在颜色模式下,我只稍微点了几下就创作出女人的眼睑。
- The lid of this jam pot won't unscrew. 这果酱罐的盖子拧不开。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。