- exudative endophthalmitis 渗出性眼内炎
- RCA is not uncommon in exudative AMD. RCA形成在渗出型 AMD患眼中并不少见 ;
- Macular CWZ could be a predilection site of CNV in exudative AMD. 黄斑区 CWZ可能是渗出型 AMD的CNV好发部位。
- PCV could be a special type of CNV of exudative AMD. PCV与湿性AMD不尽相同,可能是AMD的另一种特殊类型,治疗可能应有所不同,有待于进一步研究。
- Such an exudative process is typical for bacterial infection. 这种渗出是细菌性感染的典型表现。
- Endophthalmitis displays mull echoes, retinal thickened or detached. 眼内炎回声杂乱,视网膜增厚或伴有脱离。
- Method:The clinical records of 7 patients with endophthalmitis were reviewed. 方法:回顾分析白内障人工晶体植入术后7例、7眼发生内眼炎的临床资料。
- The bronchopneumonia is exudative in type and lobular in distribution. 支气管肺炎在性质上是渗出性的,在分布是小叶性的。
- Subretinal CNV might be the direct cause of CME secondary to exudative AMD. 结论 CME发生与CNV侵入视网膜感觉层下生长密切相关 ,视网膜下 CNV很可能是渗出型 AMD继发 CME的直接原因
- Transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) is a potential method for exudative AMD. TTT治疗能使大部分渗出性AMD患眼视力稳定或提高 ,使用安全 ,值得临床推广应用。
- ConclusionMacular CWZ could be a predilection site of CNV in exudative AMD. 结论黄斑区CWZ可能是渗出型AMD的CNV好发部位。
- Objective To explore the medication effect of endophthalmitis after the implantation of introcular lens. 摘要目的探讨人工晶状体植入术后眼内炎的药物治疗效果。
- All intraocular foreign bodies were extracted successfully once, None complicated by endophthalmitis. 所有眼内异物均一次成功摘出。
- Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on. 术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
- Objective To investigate the pathogenic causes and therapeutic effects of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. 目的探讨白内障术后眼内炎的发病原因及手术效果。
- Objective To assess the characters and treatment of traum atic endophthalmitis in preschool children. 目的探讨学龄前儿童外伤性眼内炎的特点及治疗方法。
- Two cases of posttraumatic fulminant endophthalmitis caused by Bacillus cereus were reported. 摘要本篇报告两例因蜡杆菌所引起之外伤后猛暴性眼内炎的病例。
- Vitrectomy combined with intraocular lens extraction is an effective way to treat endophthalmitis. 玻璃体切除联合人工晶体摘除是值得采用的有效治疗步骤。
- Conclusions Vitrectomy combine intraocular drug injection is the best treatment to treat suppurative endophthalmitis. 结论玻璃体切除联合玻璃体腔内注药是目前治疗眼内炎最理想的方法。
- Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of traumatic endophthalmitis result from wax bacilus. 摘要目的通过病例分析腊样芽胞杆菌所致外伤性眼内炎的临床特点及治疗效果。