- The soldiers of the troop were extremely brave. 这支部队的战士们英勇绝伦。
- Guan Yu was extremely brave, but he was also extremely proud. Could he keep Jingzhou safe? 关羽真是勇敢,但是他却太骄傲了,他能守住荆州吗?
- As brave as a lion ; extremely brave 非常勇敢;勇猛如狮
- She will not veer from her brave new intentions. 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。
- The soldier is as brave as a lion. 这个战士象狮子一样勇猛。
- A brave fireman rescued the woman. 一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。
- The brave soldier was in the forefront of the fighting. 那个勇敢的士兵战斗在最前线。
- The reward of this company is extremely bountiful. 这家公司的奖金是非常慷慨的。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- He is brave enough to face dangers. 他很勇敢,足以面对各种危险。
- This task is extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- None but the brave deserve the fair. 惟有英雄可以配美人。
- I found him extremely offensive. 我发现他非常令人讨厌。
- Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl. 当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
- He is an extremely frank person. 他是个极其老实的人。
- Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion. 他看上去虽然瘦弱,但人很勇敢。
- The active boy was extremely distractible. 那好动的男孩极不专心。
- The army was officered by brave men. 这支军队是由勇敢的人指挥的。
- The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking. 这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。