- It do represent an extreme case. 它的确代表着一个极端情况。
- It does represent an extreme case. 它的确代表着一个极端情况。
- It seems likely that imprinting is an extreme case of conditioning. 看来似乎铭记是适应的一种极端的情况。
- In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia. 在特殊情况下,蜂窝坍塌,形成角砾石。
- In a more extreme case, simply log out of the BDW entirely. 在更极端的情况下,只需登录的BDW一无所获。
- Their funk can last for months, even years in extreme case. 他们这种自我封闭的状态能一连持续好几个月,情况严重的甚至达数年之久。
- Even in the most extreme case imaginable, John Paul II's church was immoveable. 即使是最极端的情况,保罗二世的教会也不为所动。
- In extreme cases it may even lead to injury. 甚至可能伤害到工作人员。
- This is an extreme case, generally complete extinction does not occur. 这是一种极限情况,一般说来,并不致发生完全熄火。
- The extreme case of favorable physical resource endowments is, of course, the Persian Gulf oil states. 有幸得到天赋物质资源好处的极端例子自然是波斯湾各产油国了。
- Less extreme cases also have the potential to create ill-will. 不那么极端的例证也可能招致不满。
- In extreme cases this could create a lethal dosis of lead. 在极端情况下,这能够造成致人于死地的铅的剂量。
- Samuel might sound like an extreme case but if you think a situation like this is unlikely to happen in a home near you, think again. 塞缪尔的情况听上去像一个极端的例子,不过,如果你认为诸如此类的事情不可能发生在你的家里或出现在你的身边,你得再考虑一下了。
- In one extreme case they had to blow up whole blocks of empty luxury apartments to make room for new blocks of utility apartments. 最极端的一个例子就是他们不得不把整区整区的无人居住的豪华公寓都炸掉了,空出地方来修建新的经济适用房。
- In one extreme case, a single ribosomal protein gene known as RPL21 has spawned more than 140 pseudogene copies. 在一个极端的例子当中,有一个称为RPL21的基因,竟然衍生出140多个伪基因。
- In an extreme case, the entire screen could be redrawn by rendering a single multi-textured rectangle! 在最极端的情况下,整个屏幕可以通过渲染单个多纹理的四方形来重绘制。
- That is true everywhere, but Japan provides an extreme case that illustrates the dangers of coddling weak companies. 溺爱经营不善的公司是危险的,这在任何地方都是真理,日本只不过为我们展示了一个极端的例子。
- The prime candidate is Indonesia,which is playing a waiting game with no light at the end of the tunnel. That would be the most extreme case. 印尼是实行策略的主要对象,因为它目前正在打一场成功希望渺茫的仗,但那将是最极端的情况。
- In extreme cases, typhus fever can cause severe complications and can be fatal. 在严重病例中,斑疹伤寒可引起严重并发症,甚至致命。
- Mails are usually not deleted or modified, but it may be done in extreme cases. 通常邮件不会被删除或者修改,但在极端情况下这也是有可能的。