- extramedullary plasacytoma 骨髓外浆细胞瘤
- In the spine these lesions are intradural extramedullary. 在脊柱内,病变位于髓外硬膜内。
- The adrenal glands are rarely involved with extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH). 摘要骨髓外造血很少发生在肾上腺。
- Higher incidence of extramedullary MM in younger patients were noted. 比较年轻的病人似乎比较会有髓外病灶的表现,其机转值得后续研究。
- Granulocytic sarcoma (also preiously known as Chloroma) refers to tumor-like lesions of extramedullary myeloid leukemia. 粒细胞性肉瘤以往也称作绿色肉瘤,肿瘤病变类似于髓外的髓样白血病。
- Extramedullary infiltration was more common in hHCA+ patients with AML than in hHCA- patients. 至于急性髓性白血病预后有待进一步探讨。
- Mar RA,Raymond P,Warrell J.Two cases of extramedullary acute promyelocytic leukemia.Cancer,1994,74:1882. 游慧萍;马旭东;叶宝国.;急性早幼粒白血病以皮肤浸润为髓外复发首发症状2例
- All the patients had several extramedullary diseases in other soft tissues.The median follow-up interval was 30 months. 所有患者在诊治过程中均伴有多处其他部位软组织的髓外病变。
- A patient with T-LBL/ALL from extramedullary blast crisis of CML was verified by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) analysis. 采用荧光原位杂交(FISH)方法确诊1例髓外发生T-LBL/ALL急变的CML患者。
- The many dark clusters of cells in the hepatic parenchyma are islands of extramedullary hematopoiesis typical for fetal liver. 在肝实质有许多细胞密集排列成簇,这些细胞是髓外具有造血能力的肝细胞岛。
- This chronic destruction leads to compensatory mechanisms, including hyperplastic marrow and hepatomegaly (due to extramedullary hematopoiesis). 这种红细胞的慢性破坏使机体产生代偿机制,包括骨髓增生、肝肿大(由于髓外造血)。
- The solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (SEP) is derived from plasma cells and is included in the category of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 摘要单独骨髓外浆细胞瘤源自血液的浆细胞,属于非何杰金氏淋巴瘤的一类。
- Objective To improve the accuracy of imaging diagnosis of intrathoracic tumor-simulating extramedullary hematopoiesis(EMH). 目的提高对胸内瘤样髓外造血组织影像诊断的准确性。
- Extramedullary hematopoiesis is usually secondary to hematological problem as a compensatory mechanism for insufficient erythrocyte formation. 骨外造血则通常是长期造血功能不良所产生的代偿现象。
- Objective:To evaluate the MR signs of primary subdural extramedullary tumors so as to improve the level of diagnosis and differential diagnosis. 目的:分析评价髓外硬膜下肿瘤的MRI表现及影像学特征,提高诊断与鉴别诊断水平。
- Even extramedullary plasmocytoma may occur in a lot of organs, but the incidence of it is rare.Both surgery and radiotherapy are cardinal methods for extramedullary plasmocytoma. 髓外浆细胞瘤的发病率较低,但可发生于多个器官,手术和放疗是其主要的治疗手段。
- Results 10 intramedullary(28 6%),15 intradural extramedullary(42 9%) ,8 intradural(22 9%) and 2 intra-extradural tumors(5 7%) were diagnosed respectively by CTM and CT. 结果 CTM、CT诊断髓内肿瘤 10例 (占 2 8 6%25 ) ,髓外硬膜内肿瘤 15例 (占 42 9%25 ) ,硬膜外肿瘤 8例 (占 2 2 9%25 ) ,硬膜内外肿瘤 2例 (占 5 7%25 )。
- Methods We reported 21 patients with intradural extramedullary tumors undergone surgery through unilateral hemilaminectomy, including 14 schwannomas and 7 meningiomas. 方法报道经单侧半椎板切除21例椎管内肿瘤,肿瘤均位于髓外硬膜下,其中神经鞘瘤14例,脊膜瘤7例。
- Methods: Retrospective analysis of 15 cases of intradural extramedullary tumors of the cervical spinal canal was treated by the approach of semi-laminectomy. 方法:回顾分析了15例采用半椎板切除入路显微手术治疗颈椎管内髓外肿瘤的临床资料。
- Methods: 63 patients with spinal cord tumor,which were 39 cases of extramedullary intradural tumor and 24 cases of intramedullary tumor, were studied retrospectively. 方法:回顾分析了63例采用显微手术切除的脊髓肿瘤病例(髓外硬膜下39例,髓内24例)的临床资料。