- The lords of the land have practiced extortion and robbery, oppressing the poor and needy, molesting the alien and denying him justice. 本地的人民蛮横强暴,劫夺抢掠,欺压穷苦贫困的人,迫害外方人,无法无天。
- She did fifteen years for extortion and bank robbery. 她因犯勒索罪和抢劫银行罪,服了15年的刑。
- The law forbids stealing and robbery. 法律禁止偷盗和抢劫。
- Cover loss of money due to theft and robbery. 赔偿个人被窃或被抢劫的个人钱财。
- It happens some theft and robbery in this zone. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- extortion and robbery 敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪
- He was serving a twenty-year sentence for assault and robbery. 他犯有袭击罪和抢劫罪,正在服20年徒刑。
- Several cases of pilferage and robbery occured in this district. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice. 国内众民一味地欺压,惯行抢夺,亏负困苦穷乏的,背理欺压寄居的。
- They had confessed to murder, looting and robbery in the court. 在法庭上,他们已经供认了谋杀、盗取和抢劫行为。
- The second chapter deals with the crime of kidnapping and robbery, extortion, illegal detention and other crimes similar to the distinction between crimes. 第二章论述了绑架罪与抢劫罪、敲诈勒索罪、非法拘禁罪等近似犯罪的区别。
- Local officials are accusing Wu of extortion and blackmail. more ... 地方政府指控他犯敲诈勒索罪。更多 ...
- Several burglaries and robberies took place in this area. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- Several larcenies and robberies happen in this area. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- Several thefts and robberies were found in the region. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- Several pilferage and robberies have happened in this area. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- Before continuing it should be noted that bribery is distinct from both extortion and facilitating payments. 但在未开始之前,读者应注意,贿赂与敲诈勒索及疏通付款,均有所不同。
- Principle10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 企业应反对各种形式的贪污,包括敲诈、勒索和行贿受贿。
- He shows that by ignoring to the problem, we become accomplices to theft, extortion and murder. 他无视问题的存在而把我们说成是盗窃案、敲诈勒索案和杀人案中的共犯。
- Sharp practices continue to flourish, with traditional extortion and protection rackets still in business. 如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网下载使用,必须保留本网注明的“稿件来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。