- extirpate superstition 破除迷信
- He holds that ignorance leads to superstition. 他认为无知会导致迷信。
- It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky. 认为黑猫不吉利,这是一种普遍的迷信思想。
- Frightened or intimidated by superstition. (因迷信而)恐惧被迷信吓倒或胆怯的
- That superstition was prevalent among them. 那种迷信在他们之间广为流传。
- Ignorance and superstition prevent them from benefiting from modern medicine. 由於无知和迷信,他们无法得到现代医学的好处。
- He was enslaved to superstition. 他成为迷信的奴隶。
- The superstition still lingers on among them. 那种迷信仍然残留在他们的脑海中。
- Superstition is rife among the old. 迷信在老人中间很普遍。
- Superstition is still rife in country districts. 迷信依然盛行在乡间地区。
- To get rid of by destroying completely; extirpate. 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除
- It is superstition that crows can predict death. 乌鸦报丧是一种迷信的说法。
- To get rid of by destroying completely;extirpate. 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除
- Superstition results from ignorance. 迷信产生于无知。
- He is prone to idleness [superstition]. 他好偷懒 [迷信] 。
- Superstition and the sword ruled. 剑与巫术当道。
- I wonder if that is superstition? 我不知道这是不是一种迷信行为?
- How Much Superstition Does China Still Has? 中国还有多少迷信?
- He thinks it smacks of superstition. 他认为这带有迷信色彩。
- Come again? The Current of Superstition on Qi Gong? 气功迷信潮会卷土重来吗?