- external reference coil 参比线圈
- Figure 1 Inserting DGN as external reference. 图1利用选单列插入DGN参考底图。
- An external reference is in scope throughout its class, structure, or module. 外部引用的应用范围覆盖了其整个类、结构或模块。
- A DTD can be declared inline in your XML document, or as an external reference. 一份DTD可以在XML文件内部声明或者作为外部参数声明。
- Object to load any external references. 对象加载任意外部引用。
- An external reference has the same lifetime as the class, structure, or module in which it is declared. 外部引用具有与声明它的类、结构或模块相同的生存期。
- This external reference was added to the page output by ScriptManager because the Web service is registered with it. 此外部引用由ScriptManager添加到页面输出,因为Web服务已向其注册。
- Keyword when declaring an external reference, and you cannot alter its shared status. 关键字,也不能改变它的共享状态。
- In case of absence of a precision external reference, the OCXO frequency adjustment is carried out by means of the P1 potentiometer. 万一一个精密度的外部参数缺省,OCXO频率调整依靠P1电位计来实行。
- The External Reference Group (ERG) made 16 recommendations, most of which his department plans to put into action. ERG给出了16条建议,他的部门计划将其中的大部分付诸实施。
- The VDD input is also used as the reference for the part so that no external reference is required. VDD输入同时用作器件的基准电压,因而无需外部基准电压。
- An external reference can also be applied and varied from 1 V to +VCC, with an analog input range of 0 V to VREF. 也可以使用外部基准电压,并可在1V至+VCC范围内变化,模拟输入范围为0V至VREF。
- To resolve this external reference, the application must link with the import library (. Lib file) provided by the maker of the DLL. 若要解析此外部引用;应用程序必须与DLL的创建者所提供的导入库(.;LIB文件)链接。
- This means the declaration context for an external reference must be a class, structure, or module, and cannot be a source file, namespace, interface, procedure, or block. 这意味着,外部引用的声明上下文必须是类、结构或模块,不能是源文件、命名空间、接口、过程或块。
- You have learned how to use a DTD to define the legal elements of an XML document, and how the DTD can be declared inside your XML document, or as an external reference. 你已经知道了如何使用DTD来定义XML文档中的合法元素,以及如何将其作为一个外部参数或在你的XML文档中声明DTD。
- A simple inertial or Doppler navigation has a common defect that position errors are always increasing with flight time or distance, therefore an external reference system is necessary. 纯惯性导航或多普勒导航的一个共同缺点是:一般都具有随时问或距离增长的位置误差,这就需要有一个外基准系统。
- Opto-electronic oscillator(OEO) is a hybrid optical electrical device featured with a loop structure and high speed performance. As a kind of oscillator,the oscillation of OEO can be injection locked by an external reference frequency. 本文所研究的光电振荡器(OEO)是一种高速光电混合环路;其振荡频率可以被锁定于外界信号的数据率.
- Creates an object file containing machine code, linker directives, sections, external references, and function data names for the selected file. 创建一个对象文件,在其中包含选定文件的机器码、链接器指令、节、外部引用以及函数名或数据名。
- Low cloud and poor visibility forced both pilots to fly from their aircraft instruments rather than external references but heavy rain made their radar equipment unreliable. 当时,云层和能见度极低,两名驾驶员只能靠飞行仪器导航,但雷达在暴雨影响下,却又不大可靠。
- To resolve external references to DLLs, the linker simply adds information to the executable file that tells the system where to find the DLL code when the process starts up. 要解析对DLL的外部引用,链接器只需向可执行文件中添加信息,通知系统在进程启动时应在何处查找DLL代码。