- external oblique reflex [医] 外斜肌反射
- The superficial inguinal ring is a defect in the external oblique aponeurosis. 腹股沟内环是股血管前面腹横筋膜的缺损,位于腹壁下动脉外侧,腹股沟韧带上方。
- RA indicates rectus abdominis; EO, external oblique; IO, internal oblique; and TA, transerse abdominis. RA,腹直肌;EO,腹外斜肌;IO,腹内斜肌;TA,腹部横切。
- The pectoralis major, latissimus, dorsi, external oblique, rectus abdominis, and trapezius muscles have been utilized. 对重建手术而言,局部皮瓣包括腹直肌、胸大肌、阔背肌等肌肉是经常使用的组织。
- There is no difference of external oblique, lumber erector spinae, thoracic erector spinae and between normals, hemiplegia and hemiparesis. 重偏瘫患者与轻偏瘫患者腹外斜肌、腰竖脊肌及胸竖脊肌在旋转中的表现与正常人无明显差异。
- The lower two-thirds of it insert, in common with fibers of the external oblique and the underlying transversus abdominis, into the linea alba. 一条在剑突软骨附近,一条在脐,还有一条在两者之间。白线和这三条件腱划将腹部分成“六格”。这正是健身人士追求的外形。
- Alar groove (鼻)翼沟 The external oblique skin depression that follows the caudal margin of the lateral crus as it leaves the alar rim to run in a more cephalic direction. 斜行外部皮肤凹陷。其沿着外侧脚尾侧缘远离鼻翼缘向头侧走行。
- Reconstruction of a large tendon defect with free tensor fascia lata flap, free groin flap with external oblique fascia or free lateral arm flap with triceps tendon has been reported. 摘要大肌腱缺损的重建,在过曾报告过使用游离张阔筋膜肌肉皮瓣,游离腹股沟皮瓣,或游离三角肌皮瓣来重建。
- external oblique muscle of abdomen 腹外斜肌
- Electrical discharge of external oblique 腹外斜肌放电
- It's just a dog's reflex movement. 这正是狗的反射运动。
- Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex. 对不起我撞著你了; 这完全是无意的。
- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- He is just listening in external of that room. 他正在那房间的外面留神听着。
- Motor coordination; a motor reflex. 肌肉运动的协调; 肌肉运动反射
- She made an oblique reference to her own affairs. 她转弯抹角地提起她自身的事。
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- She sets great store by external politeness. 她很注重表面的虚礼。
- A law should be a reflex of the will of the people. 法律应该是全民意志的反映。
- He made oblique references to her lack of experience. 他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。