- exterior charge density 面电荷密度
- By the charge density we mean the per unit volume. 所谓的电荷密度是指单位体积的电荷。
- The charge density varies from point to point. 点与点之间的电荷密度不同。
- We also give a brief account of charge density waves (CDW). 对电荷密度波也作了简单的介绍。
- In this paper, colloid titration is used to measure charge density of CPAM. 通过胶体滴定法测定了CPAM电荷密度,研究了加填及加入CPAM后浆料悬浮液的电荷变化。
- Static field with line charge density in angular space of conductor electrostatics is formally described. 对导体平板构成的角域内具有线电荷密度的静电场进行了求解。
- PEI with high cationic charge density could neutralize the anionic trash in DCS and improve the efficiency of CPAM. 高电荷密度的聚乙烯亚胺的加入能够中和DCS中的阴离子垃圾,提高阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的助留效果。
- We have calculated interatomic charge density overlap integrals of all homogeneons rare gases in this paper. 本文对相同稀有气体原子间电荷密度的重叠积分进行了全面计算。
- As the surface charge density increased, the adsorbed BSA amount also increased. 随着硅片表面电荷密度增加,BSA吸附量增加。
- The effectiveness of montmorillonite for the treatment of CAG seemed positive proportion to the average layer charge density of montmorillonite. 蒙脱石对CAG大鼠具有比硫糖铝更加明显的治疗作用,并且这种作用与蒙脱石的平均层电荷密度呈正相关。
- The effects of the nearest neighbour Coulomb repulsion on the distribution of the charge density and the spin density are also discussed. 系统内的第三近邻电子跳跃相互作用与最近邻格点间电子Coulomb排斥相互作用之间存在着竞争。 此外,对系统中的电荷密度和自旋密度分布受最近邻格点间电子Coulomb相互作用影响情况亦进行了讨论。
- The basic physical characteristics, like density,molecular weight,equilibrium water content,crosslink density and fixed charge density etc. 结果表明:温度敏感水凝胶的溶胀受离子强度和温度的影响很大,离子强度越高,溶胀率越低;
- But cationic charge density in molecular chain of flocculants is not unique dominating factor affecting the flocculation effect. 阳离子型絮凝剂分子链上的阳离子电荷密度不是影响絮凝效果的惟一主要因素;
- Considering the geometrical figure of tube and tip,we calculated the surface charge density relative distribution curve of metallic carbon nanotube. 考虑碳纳米管尺寸及端帽形状,计算得到了比较精确的金属型纳米管表面电荷密度相对分布曲线。
- The condensed phases such as charge density wave (CDW), spin density wave (SDV) and superconducting phases are predicted within the random phase approximation (RPA). 在无规周相近似(RPA)范围内得到各种有序相:电荷密度波(CDW)、自旋密度波(SDW)及超导相存在的可能性,指出发生这些相变的条件。
- The exterior of the building is very unattractive. 这建筑物的外观很不起眼。
- Our results show that the ground state when including the diagonal and off-diagonal coupling at the same time, is coexisting charge density wave (CDW) with bond order wave (BOW). 结果表明;当同时包括对角和非对角耦合时;这种物质的基态将是电荷密度波(CDW)和键序波(BOW)共存;而以前的研究者都认为在这种物质中只存在电荷密度波(CDW).
- We are painting the exterior wall of the house. 我们正在给房子的外墙涂漆。
- The surface charge density of the infinite conductor and wedge-shaped conductor as well as the gibbous surface of the half-columniform conductor is calculated in detail. 对无限大导体表面,楔形导体表面,半圆柱形凸起表面电荷面密度进行了具体的计算,结果表明在静电平衡的条件下导体表面虽曲率相同,但表面电荷面密度却可以不同
- In the paper,the effects of the ion type,charge density and molecular weight of polyacrylamide on the retention of mineral fibers and the properties of the paper were studied. 研究了不同离子类型、离子度及相对分子质量的几种聚丙烯酰胺对矿物纤维留着及纸张性能的影响。