- In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society, wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗就打得特别广大和特别残酷。
- In areas under our control,we should establish peasant associations (middle peasants included) on an extensive scale. 控制区应当普遍建立包括中农在内的农民协会。
- We need to afford job opportunities on a more extensive scale and create more jobs. 我们要努力拓宽就业渠道,增加就业岗位。
- In areas under our control, we should establish peasant associations (middle peasants included) on an extensive scale. 辰、控制区应当普遍建立包括中农在内的农民协会。
- In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society,wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗的范围特别广并且特别残酷。
- The essence of this anti-Party alliance was its attempt to seize supreme Party and state power through conspiracy on an extensive scale and in utter disregard of principle. 高岗、饶漱石反党联盟的基本特点,就在于进行毫无原则的广泛的阴谋活动,企图夺取党和国家的最高权力。
- Extension Scale Control in Prestressed Tension for Sanyawang Bridge 三亚湾大桥预应力张拉时的伸长量控制
- America is a lecture-hall on a very extensive scale . The rostrum extends in a straight line from Boston, through New York and Philadelphia to Washington. 美国全国是个极其庞大的讲演厅。讲坛从波士顿起,经过纽约、费城到华盛顿连成一条直线。
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- He built an extension onto his house. 他给自己的住宅扩建了一部分。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年这项工作就大规模进行了。
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 广义来说,矩阵可以是任意维数的数组。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- Scale the fish before cooking them. 烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
- We built an extension to our house. 我们扩建了我家的房屋。
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today. 我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。