- According to the requirement of modeling UIs, this paper presented an extended object model. 按照对用户界面建模的要求,本文提出了扩展对象模型的概念。
- Host controls extend objects that are in the Microsoft Office Word 2003 and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 object models; in other words, host controls are based on native Office objects. 宿主控件扩展了Microsoft Office Word 2003和Microsoft Office Excel 2003对象模型中的对象;换言之,宿主控件基于本机Office对象。
- extended object model 扩展对象檬犁
- Which Object Model to Work With? 使用哪种对象模型?
- In MXT, geometry &style are object model. 在mxt中,几何实体和样式都是对象模型。
- Yet, its object model is very flexible. 同时,它的对象模型非常灵活。
- This means that the object model is available for macros, add-ins, and any type of project that needs to extend or automate the IDE. 即,该对象模型可供宏、外接程序以及需要扩展或自动化IDE的任何类型的项目使用。
- Exp: The SOM object model also relies on this two table model. SOM对象模型也依靠这种双表格模型。
- Imagine that we have some sort of Lens system which forms an image of an extended object. 设想我们有某种透镜系统,它对一个扩展物体成象。
- Office applications are Component Object Model (COM) servers. Office应用程序是组件对象模型(COM)服务器。
- Thus the images of all extended object can be recorded and reproduced just as for a single point object. 于是,一个扩展物的形象可以如同一个点物那样被记录和再现。
- MAPI is built on the Component Object Model (COM) architecture. MAPI构建在组件对象模型(COM)的体系结构上。
- This security feature is known as the Outlook object model guard. 此安全功能称为Outlook对象模型保护。
- The top-level object in the Visual Studio automation object model. Visual Studio自动化对象模型中的顶级对象。
- Did this spacetime really behave on large distances like a four-dimensional, extended object and not like a crumpled ball or polymer? 这个时空在大距离上,真的会表现得像个四维、广延的物体,而非一团崩坏的球体或是高分子吗?
- Unloads a Component Object Model (COM) assembly from the process. 从进程中卸载组件对象模型(COM)程序集。
- The tutorials link to the ReportDocument object model tutorials. 这些教程链接到ReportDocument对象模型教程。
- Why is basing your object model on an existing data schema a bad idea? 为什么以已有的数据模式作为对象模型的基础不是一个好主意?
- Whereas classical angular momentum arises from the rotation of an extended object, spin is not associated with any rotating internal masses, but is intrinsic to the particle itself. 经典力学的角动量产生于物体的旋转,而在量子力学中,自旋与旋转的内部物质无关,它是粒子本身固有的。
- First and foremost, you will need to access the object model itself. 首先,需要访问对象模型本身。