- Fast point matching method based on feature optical flow 基于特征光流的角点匹配快速算法
- Hussein A M, Wurjantara W. Analysis of elliptic conductors using the point matching method with Mathieu functions.IEEE Trans Magn,1997,33(5):4125 闫照文.;新型等效源法及其在电磁场分析中的应用研究,[博士学位论文]
- 4 Hussein A M, Wurjantara W. Analysis of elliptic conductors using the point matching method with Mathieu functions.IEEE Trans Magn,1997,33(5):4125 2闫照文.;新型等效源法及其在电磁场分析中的应用研究;[博士学位论文]西安:西安交通大学;1999
- The Point Matching Methods Based on the Noise Propagation Model 基于噪声传递模型的点匹配方法
- point matching method 点匹配法
- finite point matching method 有限点匹配法
- point match method 点匹配法
- Trinocular stereo matching method based on edge segment[J]. 引用该论文 李秀智;张广军.
- A straight line is drawn directly from one point to another as an extended point. 直线就是直直地从一个点画到另一个点宛若一个点的延伸。
- An algorithm of the quick stereo edge matching method was proposed. 摘要提出了一种立体视觉边缘匹配快速算法。
- We make use of adaptive binary image,morphologic thinning,remove pseudo-structures,distance-taxis of the extended point and high-power curvefitting to have slaved this problem. 利用自适应二值化、形态学细化、偏轴去枝、近端点边沿距离排序、高次方曲线拟合,终于解决了这一难题,获得了满意的实验结果。
- The binder will find all of the matching methods. 联编程序将查找所有的匹配方法。
- To resolve those problems mentioned above, in this paper the authors propose a global matching method based on combination of feature point and feature edge. 为更好地解决上述问题,本文提出了基于特征点匹配与边缘线匹配相结合的方法。
- Matching Method Based on Self-adjusting Template Using in Tracking System. 基于自适应模板的匹配算法在跟踪系统中的应用。
- At last, quick edge matching method based on the two constraint was given. 最后给出了基于视差梯度约束和边缘幅角约束的快速边缘匹配算法。
- The character code is identified using the cyclostyle matching method. 再利用模板匹配的方法对切分出的车牌字符进行识别。
- Given are 2 upvalue algorithms and a curve automatic matching method. 给出了上提值的2种计算方法和曲线的匹配方法。
- Last, we apply the dual quaternion algorithm to matching algorithm of 3D object recognition and make use of least-squares technique to propose a matching method based on iterative closest point. 论文将对偶四元数法应用到三维物体识别的匹配算法中,利用最小二乘的思想提出了一种基于迭代最近点的匹配算法。
- Matrix interferences were eliminated by the matching method in the preparation of calibration curves. 在制备校正曲线时采用基体匹配法消除了基体干扰。
- This article focused primarily on how the new release supports not only full compilation of Java 5 language constructs, but also join point matching based on annotations and generic types. 这篇文章的重点主要是新的发行版既支持对Java 5语言构建的完全编译,还支持基于注释和泛型的连接点匹配。