- A few congressmen are floating a bill to extend the terms of copyright by twenty years. 几个国会议员在传阅一份议案,将版权的有效期延长二十年。
- In the legislation of labor contract, we must extend the principal parts of labor contract to universality,and recompose the terms of labor contract. 在我国即将进行的劳动合同立法过程中,必须扩大劳动合同的主体范围,使劳动合同的主体具体普遍性;
- For infrastructure projects that require huge investment and lengthy construction periods, the banks should extend the terms of loans in accordance with the construction period and repayment capacity. 对投资大、建设期长的基础设施项目,根据项目建设周期和还贷能力,适当延长贷款期限。
- A proposal to extend the highway was flung out at the meeting. 延伸高速公路的建议在会议上被否决。
- The terms of the settlement seem just. 和解的条件似乎还公道。
- The terms of the contract are subject to review. 合同的条款有待复查决定。
- For corporations holding copyrights, it extended the term from 75 to 95 years. 对于持有版权的公司来说,版权保护期从75年延长至95年。
- The terms have now been agreed to. 这些条件现在得到了同意。
- Extend the telescopic antenna vertically. 竖直地伸张伸缩式天线。
- He received a failing grade on the term paper. 他的期末报告不及格。
- The term papers have been graded. 期末考卷已评完分数了。
- You may extend the sense of a word . 你可以扩大一个词的涵义。
- Please extend the deadline a few days. 请宽限几天。
- I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper. 我今天上午必须安下心来完成学期论文。
- Medvedev has also proposed extending the term of the State Duma from four to five years. 梅德韦杰夫还提议把俄罗斯国家杜马的任期从4年延长到5年。
- We hope the boss can extend the deadline. 我们希望主管可以延长期限。
- The terms of the contract are absolutely fair and square. 合同上的条款是完全公平合理的。
- Dry-cleaning can extend the life of your clothing. 干洗可以延长衣服的使用寿命。
- In passing the law,Congress extended the term for existing and future copyrights held by individuals from 50 to 70 years after the creator's death. 在通过这部法案时,国会将现有的和将来的个人著作权保护期从作者死后50年延长至70年。
- The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation. 这个公司必须履行合同条款。