- extemal stock ownership 外部股权
- The Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is an effective incentive system of the enterprise. 摘要员工持股制度是一种有效的企业激励机制。
- One of the provisions of the loan guarantees was an employee stock ownership plan for our workers. 在贷款保证的各种条款中,有一条规定让我们的工人拥有职工股票的计划。
- Stock Ownership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates. 股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。
- Stock: Ownership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates. 股票:股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。
- Significant employee stock ownership aligns the interests of our employees and our shareholders. 员工大量持股可以使员工与股东的利益协调一致。
- EVA is the real economic profit which equals net profit after tax minus allassets cost including stock ownership and debts. 经济增加值(va)从税后净利润中扣除包括股权和债务的所有资金成本后的真实经济利润。
- Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), an effective means to encourage employees, has been widely used by enterprises both at home and abroad. 员工持股计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plan,KSOP)作为一种有效的员工激励手段被国内外企业广泛应用。
- The NPD performance would be better if IC design industry implements the employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) for project members. 若IC设计产业对新产品开发专案成员实施员工入股计画,将有助于提升新产品开发绩效。
- The finding indicates that managerial stock ownership alleviates the agency cost between manager and shareholder, and has some governance effect. 这表明管理层持股减枉了管理层与股东之间的代理成本,具有一定的治理效应。
- At present, enterprises should consider their own conditions and choose appropriate way when they adopt executive stock ownership stimulation. 在现阶段,企业对经理人员实行股权激励要注意自身的条件并选择恰当的形式。
- As a booming capital operation method in china, Trusteeship of stock ownership flourishes on the Chinese stock market in 2001. 股权托管作为一种新兴的资本运作方式正在中国兴起,并在2001年中国证券市场上显示了其旺盛的生命力。
- But, the present market environment and the enterprise condition can not completely contents to the stock ownership incentive development. 但是,由于目前的市场环境和企业状况还不能完全满足股权激励的发展要求。
- ESOP(Employee Stock Ownership plan) is a common system in the western countries.But in China it begins to develop very late. 职工持股是美、日、法、英等西方国家比较普遍的一种制度,我国职工持股制度起步较晚,还有很多的法律问题需要解决。
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) is one of the dominant forms of the socialization of the property ownership and the spreading of the property entities. 职工持股制度(Employee Stock Ownership plans简称为ESOP)是当代产权主体的社会化和产权实体广泛化的最主要的形式之一。
- Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) refers to that an already incorporated enterprise divides its capital into equal shares and distributes them among its current employees. 职工持股意味着:企业要先行设立,拥有自己的职工,而后才谈得上实行“职工”持股; 同时,企业资本需要拆分为等额的股份以供职工持有,于是,企业已经或将要实行股份制就成为了职工持股的先决条件。
- Independent director is a system under the centralized leadership corporate governance mode and wider diversion of stock ownership in Anglo|American countries. 独立董事是英美法国家在一元制公司治理模式和高度分散股权结构下的一项制度选择。
- Since there are not special laws to refer to, Management Buy-outs (MBO) and Employee stock Ownership Plan(ESOP) are facing lots of obstacles in practice. 由于立法的滞后,在我国现阶段实施管理层收购(MBO)和职工持股计划(ESOP)会面临种种法律和制度上障碍。
- Current laws and regulations are too many.But the contents antinomy.They can"t provide a healthy environment to develop the employee stock ownership plans in our country. 现行的法规及规章政出多门,内容矛盾,无法为我国的职工持股制度的健康发展提供一个良好的法律环境。
- In most Anglo-Saxon countries like the US or UK stock ownership is often dispersed and it is claimed that each individual shareholder has only limited incentives and ability to monitor the management. 在英国和美国的公司中,股权结构比较分散,每个单独的股东都很少有足够的动因来监督管理当局,同时他们的监督能力也非常有限。