- Artist cutting pen with exquisite detail to portray characters and painted the surrounding environment. 画家用细致地笔伐精妙地描绘人物并描画周围环境。
- Simple design style, exquisite detail and adjustable drawstring reveal a kind of feminine charm from the inside to the outside. 简约的设计款式、精致的细部处理以及回拉式抽带特点,透出一种由里至外的气质女性魅力。
- I would call my colleagues attention to the fine paper that United Kingdom distributed yesterday,which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi deception activities. 我希望唤起同行们的注意,留心英国昨天分发的那份精确的材料。它对伊拉克如何进行欺骗活动进行了极为详尽的描述。
- I would call my colleagues attention to the fine paper that United Kingdom distributed yesterday, which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi deception activities. 我希望唤起同行们的注意,留心英国昨天分发的那份精确的材料。它对伊拉克如何进行欺骗活动进行了极为详尽的描述。
- The probe, which is fuelled and ready for launch in French Guiana, will examine in exquisite detail the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the relic radiation of the big bang. 探头,这是火上加油,准备在法属圭亚那发射,将审查中呈现细腻的宇宙微波背景(中巴) ,辐射的遗物的大爆炸。
- Here's the official book description: The bestselling author has drawn and written in exquisite detail exactly what Harry Potter needs for his wizardry. 以下为官方描述:这个畅销书作家极其细致地描写和绘制出了哈利的魔法学校生活所要用的东西。
- As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. 当靠窗的病人详尽地描述着这一切的时候,房间另一边的病人就会闭上眼睛想像着这如画的风景。
- Insertion of VI to the product makes the style of the product unified further. succinct and distinct LOGO, offers cordial and ocular discernment experience ,it also become the exquisite detail at the same time . VI在产品上的导入使产品风格更加统一,简洁明晰的LOGO,提供亲切直观的识别感受,同时也成为精致的细节。
- And Pik Wan Tung echoes of a landscape of GE Cavity exquisite detail, has two holes between the tranquil Qingyou the Bi-ling Lake, Lake Cuolayouzhi within the island, with fishing, such as bathing. 与碧云洞相呼应的有景观精致细腻的葛仙洞,两洞之间又有恬静的清幽的碧岭湖,湖内小岛错落有致,设有垂钓处、浴场等。
- Adhering to the exquisite details and ultimate pursuit for good clipping, Armani schemed out unique skills and appropriate exquisite wipers to design his products. 秉承对于精美细节和精确剪裁的极致追求,阿玛尼为其彩妆产品设计了独特技法以及与之相契合的精致刷具。
- Long Shimmering Brown Shirt ----- Made from iridescent crinkled fabric designed with wrinkles and pleats, this simple shirt is brought to life with some exquisite details in unexpected places. 泛着金属光泽的金属丝面料经过各种抓皱、打褶的处理,细节出现在各种始料未及的部位,一件简单的衣物立刻有了别致的设计感。
- Sand, traditionally made from crushed precious stones, is considered the most efficacious materials because of the precious substances involved and the great skill required to create the mandalas' exquisite details. 沙子,传统上从压碎的贵重的宝石而来,被认为是最有效的材料因为宝贵的物质加入和伟大的技术必需去创造曼荼罗精致细节。
- The girl came up with a set of exquisite stamps. 那姑娘拿出一套精美的邮票。
- Her skirt has very exquisite lace. 她的裙子有非常精致的花边。
- The report contained a plethora of detail. 报告中细节过多。
- He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。
- Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail. 尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节。
- We saw the most exquisite fields of lavender there. 在那里我们看到了最赏心悦目的薰衣草场。
- I couldn't sleep for exquisite pain. 我因剧痛而不能入睡。
- The hostess had exquisite taste in clothes. 女主人对衣著十分讲究。