- Some even went to the school to reprimand the students and express support for the professor, the paper said. 报纸上说,一部分人甚至还想到那所学校去教训一下那帮学生,表达他们对老教师的声援。
- The congressmen also met with Palestinian leaders in the West Bank, to express support for the two-state solution. 国会议员在西岸还会见了巴勒斯坦领导人,表示支持两国解决问题的方法。
- And a number of other cancer groups have expressed support for the statement. 并且许多其他的癌症组织也在这份报告中表示了支持。
- US officials say Kohl expressed support for the President's SDI program. 美国官方称克勒表示支持里根总统的SDI计划。
- As one of the first national leaders to express support for the US invasion of Iraq, she had already proved her worth as a rabid ally of the US. 作为第一个支持美国入侵伊拉克的国家领导人之一,艾若育已证明了她的价值就是作为一个美国强力的同路人。
- A small green ribbon, designed to be worn on dresses and jacket lapels,is now often used to express support for the victims of sexual assault. 设计用于戴在衣服和夹克翻领上的绿色小丝带,现在常常用来表达支援性侵害案的受害人。
- The troops in eight camp shouted and waved flags to express support for Great Sage Sun and Ne Zha. The sky was darkened by the sand and stone stirred up by their Bitter fight. 两边阵中,摇旗呐喊,孙大圣、哪吒各显神通。直杀得天浑地暗,难解难分。
- Mr. Chen has begun drinking water but has vowed to continue refusing food until Sunday to express support for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party. 陈水扁现在已开始饮水,但他发誓要继续绝食直到星期天,以表示对台湾反对党民进党的支援。
- He said Sheikh Jamaluddin of the Tourism Development Board has expressed support for the project. 他说文莱旅游开发部已经表达了对这个项目的支持。
- They did not waver in their support for him. 他们毫不动摇地支持他。
- The support for the tent is rigid. 帐篷的支柱很坚固。
- The Delegation wished to limit its comments to non-process proposals and expressed support for proposal no. 3. 该代表团的发言只限于非程序性提案,并表示支持提案3。
- On the whole, Members and the community expressed support for our efforts and progress in controlling public spending. 但总括来说,政府在控制开支方面的初步成绩和努力,已得到各位议员和社会的认同。
- Support for the president melted into nothingness. 对总统的支持化为乌有。
- A support for the head, as at the back of a chair. 靠头物如椅背上的头部支持物
- I want to close by thanking the thousands of people who have expressed support for Microsoft through their letters, calls and e-mails. 最后,我在此感谢数以千计的通过信件、电话及电子邮件表达他们对微软的支持的人们。
- He expressed support for the just announced offer from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to host both sides in talks, as early as Wednesday. 阿巴斯表示支持埃及总统穆巴拉克提出的建议,由埃及主持最早在星期三召开的冲突双方的会谈。
- The leaders of Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Uganda also expressed support for action against the Mugabe government. 尼日利亚、利比里亚、塞拉利昂、几内亚-比绍、塞内加尔和乌干达也表示支持对穆加贝政府采取制裁行动。
- Although the Peruvian President had expressed support for the bill, congress had not been able to reach an agreement in time. 虽然秘鲁总统对这一法案表示支持,但是国会未能及时就这一问题达成一致意见。
- Bergmar says he has received letters from children all over the world, many of them survivors of violence, expressing support for Mam's work. 伯格玛说,他收到来自世界各地孩子们的信,其中许多是暴力行为的幸存者。他们都表达了对玛姆工作的支持。