- I express regret for your words. 我对你的话表示遗憾。
- Able to apologize and express regret for situation, when appropriate. 适当时,能够为某种情况道歉或表示遗憾。
- She expressed regret for any inconvenience which might possibly be caused. 她为任何可能造成的不便而深表歉意。
- The Danish government has expressed regret for the furor, but refused to become involved, citing freedom of expression. 丹麦政府表示抱歉,但并表示并不会干涉出版自由。
- Although well short of an apology,President Vojislav Kostunica's statements marked the first time any Yugoslav leader has expressed regret for the conflicts in the Balkans.. 尽管科斯图尼查总统的声明还算不上是一种道歉,但这却是南斯拉夫领导人第一次愿意对巴尔干冲突表示遗憾。
- Although well short of an apology, President Vojislav Kostunica's statements marked the first time any Yugoslav leader has expressed regret for the conflicts in the Balkans. . 尽管科斯图尼查总统的声明还算不上是一种道歉,但这却是南斯拉夫领导人第一次愿意对巴尔干冲突表示遗憾。
- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, visiting a Rwandan genocide memorial on Saturday, expressed regret for his "personal failure" to prevent the 1994 slaughter of 800,000 people. 7月23日,美国前总统克林顿在参观卢旺达种族大屠杀纪念馆时,为他当年未能阻止这场惨剧而感到遗憾,并将其称之为他“个人的失误”。
- There was no need for the writer to express regret, he though. 便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。
- The old man felt regret for the follies of his youth. 老人很後悔他年轻时的愚行。
- The violence prompted an official protest in Tokyo. Japan's Kyodo news agency said the Chinese Foreign Ministry had expressed regret for the violence, quoting the Japanese Embassy. 暴力行为引起了日本的外交抗议。中国外交部已经对此表示遗憾。
- Used to express regret or disapproval. 悲哉!用来表示悔恨或不同意
- Mr. Pam showed no regret for what he had done. 帕姆先生对其所做的事不感到后悔和惋惜。
- An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. 道歉认错,愧悔因错误和冒犯而承认后悔,乞求原谅
- He expressed regret over the death of your father. 他对你父亲的逝世表示哀悼。
- She has not shown any real regret for what she did. 她对自己做过的事还没有表现出真正后悔的样子。
- I'm really regret for what i did to her before. 我很后悔当初伤害了她。
- I felt no regret for visiting Lingshan Scenery. 我不后悔来灵山游览。
- I am regretful for hurting her feelings. 我后悔伤害了她的感情。
- We regret for any inconvenience caused. 不便之处,敬希见谅。
- We regret for the loss you have suffered. 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意 。