- When the exposure compensation has been set. 曝光补偿已被设定
- The LCD panel displays the exposure compensation value also. 液晶屏幕也将显示曝光补偿值。
- The exposure compensation value is displayed on the LCD panel also. 曝光补偿值也将在液晶屏幕上显示。
- The exposure indicator displays the selected exposure compensation value. 曝光指示灯将显示所选的曝光补偿值。
- When the exposure indicator is displayed in the viewfinder display, the exposure compensation is set. 当曝光指示灯出现在取景器显示中,曝光补偿被设置。
- When you have finished shooting with exposure compensation, be sure to restore the exposure compensation value to 0 EV. 当您用曝光补偿拍摄完后,请务必将不光补偿值恢复至0ev。
- Although exposure compensation is disabled in manual, its function can be duplicated by skewing the ISO setting as necessary. 尽管曝光补偿在手动模式被停用,它的功能可由设定必要的ISO替代。
- Each time the up or down button is pressed, the exposure compensation value increases or decreases in 0.5EV increments. 每按压一次向上\\向下按钮;曝光补偿值将以0.;5EV间隔增加或减少。
- If you are adjusting a previous exposure compensation value, the exposure indicator will remain in the viewfinder display. 如果您调整一个前曝光补偿值时,曝光指示灯江流在取景窗显示上。
- For example, when exposure compensation or the locked exposure value is -1.0 EV: the exposure range will be -1.5 EV, -1.0 EV, and -0.5 EV. 例如;当曝光补偿值或曝光锁定值是-1.;0ev时;曝光范围将是1
- When the auto bracketing mode is combined with exposure compensation or AE lock, the exposure range value or the locked exposure value respectively. 当包围式曝光模式补偿或自动曝光锁定相结合时,曝光范围将分别依据所选的曝光补偿值或锁定值。
- Exposure compensation can be set by a dial on the top of the camera with a range of plus or minus 2 stops in 1/3 stop increments. 曝光补偿可通过机身顶部的一个按钮按1/3档的幅度在正负2档范围内调整。
- Naturally, exposure compensation cannot be set in manual operation because the desired compensation indicator when setting the aperture and shutter speed. 当然,你不能在手动状态设定曝光补偿,因为在选定光圈和快门速度时,能借助于观察曝光指示灯的情况而仔细地设置所需的曝光补偿值。
- Press and hold down the up or down button to increase or decrease the exposure compensation value continuously within the range of ±4.0 EV in 0.5 EV increments. 当按住向上\\向下按钮时;曝光补偿量会在±4.;0ev范围内按0
- The exposure indicator appears flashing in the viewfinder display. This allows you to set the exposure compensation while looking trough the viewfinder. 当您在取景器中看到曝光指示灯出现闪烁时,这表明允许您设置曝光补偿。
- Variable center-weighted metering and spot metering centered on the active focus area are also available, as are exposure compensation and auto exposure bracketing. 可变中央平均测光和连动对焦点的点测光方式也可选择。
- We've got a little more depth of fi eld by selecting a smaller aperture, but without exposure compensation the metering exposes for the darker background. 通过选择小光圈增加了景深,但没有曝光补偿的话,测光表将为较暗的背景曝光。
- Note that the viewfinder display may vary slightly according to the current shutter speed and settings (i.e., AE lock, exposure metering, flash, bulb, and exposure compensation settings). 请注意,这时取景器的显示相应于当前的快门速度和设置(自动曝光锁定、曝光测定、曝光补偿等)会稍有变化。
- Note that the viewfinder display may vary slightly according to the current operation (i.e., auto or manual) and settings (i.e., AE lock, exposure metering, flash, bulb, and exposure compensation settings). 请注意,取景器显示的信息相应于当前的操作状态(即自动或手动)以及设置(自动曝光锁定、曝光测定、曝光补偿设置)等稍有变化。
- If you do not make any changes (i.e., exposure compensation remains set to 0 EV) within 5 seconds after pressing the updown buttons, the exposure indicator in the viewfinder display will disappear. 如果您按压向上向下按钮后,5秒钟内没进行任何改变(即曝光补偿值保持为0 ev),取景器显示中的曝光指示灯将消失。