- The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust. 这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。
- The relic,when exposed to air,turned to dust. 这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。
- In reality, sebum tur the color of mud when exposed to air. 事实上,皮脂在暴露在空气中时会转变成泥土的颜色。
- This liquid is not to be exposed to air, for it will soon evaporate. 这种夜体不可暴露在空气中,因为它会很快蒸发掉。
- When ethanol is exposed to air and the action of vinegar bacteria, it is converted into acetic acid and water. 当乙醇暴露于空气中受醋酸细菌的作用时便变成醋酸和水。
- Filthy-looking blackheads feed the misconception that acne grows on grime. In reality, sebum tur the color of mud when exposed to air. 看上去脏乎乎的黑头粉刺让人们往往误解为粉刺就是在尘垢上长出来的。事实上,皮脂在暴露在空气中时会转变成泥土的颜色。
- To become a powder by losing water of crystallization,as when a hydrated crystal is exposed to air. 风化当氢化晶体暴露在空气中时,晶体丧失水分而变成粉末的现象
- A brownish - bronze, lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- Culturing the Hp strains which had already been exposed to air for a different time with the improved broth medium and Columbia plate respectively. 在暴露于空气后不同的时间段将菌株分别经改良布氏肉汤及哥伦比亚平板进行传代培养。
- A brownish - bronze,lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- The products of the reaction, when TMA is exposed to air or water, are aluminum oxide, carbon dioxide and water. TMA暴露在空气或水中后的生成物是氧化铝、二氧化碳和水。
- The clothing should be loose and as scanty as possible, because maximum amount of the skin should be exposed to air. 衣着应当尽可能的宽松,因为大部分肌肤可以暴露在空气中。
- To become a powder by losing water of crystallization, as when a hydrated crystal is exposed to air. 风化当氢化晶体暴露在空气中时,晶体丧失水分而变成粉末的现象
- Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. 可怜的约翰处于风雨交加之中。
- A brownish-bronze, lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4 that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time. 铜绿在长期放置于空气或海水中的铜、黄铜和青铜上形成的绿锈或硫酸铜、氯化铜的沉淀物
- New it has been exposed to the light of day. 现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。
- Objective To explore the pathologic changes in trachea of rats exposed to air pollutants. 目的探讨大气污染物对大鼠气管的病理学改变。
- Everybody is at liberty to air his views. 每个人都有发表意见的自由。
- The color fades when exposed to light. 这颜色曝光後会褪色。