- Palletization and/or containerization for export cargo. 出口货物装板箱。
- Offer import &export cargo clearance customs, inspect, hygeian inspect.etc. 提供进出口货物的报关、商检、卫检等;
- On the docks there are many warehouses with various import and export cargoes in them. 码头上有许多仓库,里面装着各种各样进出口的货物。
- The shippers can store their export cargo in the bonded warehouse as per their demand. 出口企业可根据需要将货物存入保税仓库。
- When the export cargo is ready for shipment, agent should apply for quarantine, and get the Export Cargo Declaration Sheet. 当出口货物备妥待运时,代理人应申请检疫,并取得出口货物报关单。
- Export cargo consolidation: the LCL cargo can be consolidated inside Free Trade Zone. The shippers can apply for duty-refund for general trade cargo. 二。出口拼箱业务:出口拼箱货物可在保税区内进行集拼,一般贸易的出口货物在保税区可以退税。
- Export Cargo Reception - The waiting time of a consignor shipper trucker, after registered at CTO reception points, to be served for the first piece of cargo. 接收出口货物-付货人于货物接收点登记后至接收第一件货物的等候时间。
- All import or export cargos need customer clearance. 所有进出口货物都需要报关清关.
- Article 3 The weight and cubage ofimport cargo and export cargo shall be based on the amount as listed in the contract on cargo operating within a port. 第三条进出口货物的重量和体积,以港口货物作业合同上所列数量为准。
- Something strange happened in export cargo transport agency of trelleborg company wuxi logistic department. I suppose you should be informed what I know about it. 贵公司在进出口货代方面发生的一些令人不解的事,我觉得非常有必要把我所了解的一些情况向您反映。
- After the cargoes depart from the customs territory, Baiyun Airport Customs House confirms the clean bill of loading for export cargoes submitted by the airline company, and conduct audition and cancellation to customs clearance. 四)货物空运离境后,白云机场海关核对航空公司传输的出境货物清洁舱单,并予以结关核销。
- Make and print out the right label for export cargo 正确地打印好出口货物的标签
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- Export Cargo Reception - Cut Off Time 接收出口货物截止时间
- Military Export Cargo Offering and Booking Office 军用出口货物与预订舱位办事处
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- The embargo impacted on export revenues. 禁运对出囗总收入有很大的影响。
- There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. 我们的出口贸易量已有些减少。
- The cargo is unloaded safely from the sinking ship. 货物被安全地从沉船上卸下。
- The cargo was lashed down on the deck of the ship. 货物牢牢地缚在船的甲板上。