- First countermeasures for the exponentiation computation of RSA cryptographic algorithm were summarized. 综述了RSA密码算法中模幂运算的主要攻击方法及其防御措施。
- I'd like to try my hand at computing. 我想试试我的计算机运算技术。
- However the time-consuming modulo exponentiation computation, which has always been the bottle-neck of RSA, restricts its wider application. 但该算法所采用的幂剩余计算会耗费太多的时间,一直是制约其广泛应用的瓶颈。
- exponential computing 指数运算
- The act of counting or computing. 计算数或计算的行为
- The computing machine in which no software is installed. 其中尚未安装任何软件的计算机。
- Populations tend to grow at an exponential rate. 人口趋向于以指数比率增长。
- The Method for an Exponential Model Establishment. 指数模型建立方法。
- Structure to the specified exponential power. 结构的值乘到指定的幂。
- Calculates the exponential of a quaternion. 计算四元数的幂。
- Read and analysis for the advanced research papers: Fast exponentiation computation, multisignature, proxy signature, threshold signature,group signature, identification authentications, visitor control, multisecret sharing. 阅读并讨论专题论文:快速指数运算、多重签名、代理签名、门限签名、群签名、身份认证、访问控制、(多)秘密共享。
- This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing. 这份报告恐怕只有电脑专家能看懂。
- The full system’s design and partition is achieved.The modules of prepared implementation、exponentiation computation system and system controller etc. have been detailed based on system partition. 对整个RSA系统的结构进行了设计和划分,并按照划分的子模块,设计了预处理模块、模幂计算模块和系统控制模块等子模块的硬件实现。
- The envelopes of the strain peaks is an exponential function. 应变峰值的包络线是一个指数函数。
- The frictional dissipation will introduce an exponential decay. 摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。
- A digital stimulated analogy computing program. 一种数字受激模拟计算程序。
- The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential. 郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。
- My husband have a degree in computing. 我丈夫获得过计算机专业的学位。
- Why do you want a career in computing ? 你为什么要找计算机运算的工作?
- Keywords hydrometallurgy;exponential computation equation;making use of the low-grade copper;nickel;or gold ores;heap leaching;extraction of gold without cyanogen;MACA system; 湿法冶金;电算-指数方程法;铜、镍、金低品位矿利用;堆浸;非氰化提金;MACA体系;