- Exploit land %26resources rationally and ensure the economy sustainable development! 合理开发国土资源,保障经济持续发展!
- The sludge soil dredged area of the Yellow River is a component part of the dykeproject, it is also the exploitable land resource project. 黄河淤背区是堤防工程的组成部分,同时又是可以开发利用的工程工地资源。
- The sludge soil dredged area of the Yellow River dyke is the important componentpart of flood control project,and is the exploitable land resource as well. 黄河堤防淤背区是防洪工程的重要组成部分,也是可开发利用的宝贵土地资源。
- exploitative land resources 可利用土地资源
- It is a waste of land resources. 那是浪费土地资源。
- Technology of land resources investigation in China II. 中国土地资源调查技术2。
- Labor forces are abundant, but land resources are scarce. 1劳动力资源丰富,但土地资源稀缺。
- Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley. 长江流域有丰富的湿地资源。
- Land resource management in russia II. 俄罗斯土地资源管理2。
- Selected works of the application of China's land resources survey results II. 中国土地资源调查成果应用选编2。
- The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources. 这个国家以土地资源分布不均勻出名。
- Information Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- But now, some people are cruel to land resources for excessive overdrafts. 但眼下,有人却在残忍地对土地资源进行过度透支。
- Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. 因为水资源的浪费和土壤被侵蚀,土地资源逐渐缩小。
- Researches on the planning of tidying, reclaiming and exploiting land resource in Xinxiang 新乡市土地整理、复垦与开发规划研究
- Land resource has double nature of resource and assets. 土地具有资源和资产双重属性。
- China has rich water,grassland and sloping land resources which have great potential for exploitation. 中国水域、草原、山地资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。
- Wuhan sets a range of preferential policies on reforming old firms and exploiting land to absord foreign investment. 我们武汉还在吸收外资企业进行老企业改造、房地产开发等方面制定了一系列优惠政策。
- We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy. 我们应该利用我们丰富的资源发展经济。