- "We underestimate our ability to survive heartbreak," said Eli Finkel, an assistant professor of psychology at Northwestern University, whose study appears online in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 西北大学的心理学副教授埃里?芬克尔说:“我们低估了自己承受失恋痛苦的能力。”该研究结果在《实验社会心理学期刊》的网站上公布。
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 实验社会心理学杂志
- European Association of Experimental Social Psychology 欧洲实验社会心理学协会
- experimental social psychology 实验社会心理学
- ""Previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker,"wrote Rick van Baaren, a social psychology professor, in a recent study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology." 社会心理学教授里克·范·巴伦在《实验社会心理学》杂志上最近发表的一项研究中写到:“以前的研究已经表明模仿能够增加人们对模仿者的好感
- That is the main focus of social psychology. 是社会心理学的主要焦点。
- Social psychology, strictly speaking, deals with the behavior of people in groups. 严格地说,社会心理学研究人们的群体行为。
- It includes the integration of social psychology with network. 它包括网络对社会心理的整合与社会心理对网络的整合。
- Smith E.R. Mackie D.M. Social Psychology ,Worth Publishers,1995. 朱永新、艾永明著:中国犯罪心理思想史论,北京:对外贸易出版社,1993年。
- Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity. 郑昭明(民86)。什麽是创造力?台大校训。台北:国立台湾大学。
- Social psychology,strictly speaking,deals with the behavior of people in group. 严格地说,社会心理学研究人们的群体行为。
- The pubications of the book generated voluminous research in social psychology. 这本书的出版导致社会心理学方面的研究的大力开展。
- Its expressional features and existent style reflect a social psychology. 其表现特征和存在方式是一种社会心理。
- The 50-year-old experimental social psychologist from Harvard University had started with a series of images that showed the tricks our minds play. 这位50岁的哈佛大学实验及社会心理学家,一开始放了一连串的影像,展现了人类心智的巧妙。
- Cohen, D., Nisbett, R. E., Bowdle, B. F., &Schwarz, N. (1996). Insult, aggression, and the southern culture of honor: An "experimental ethnography." Journal of personality and social psychology, 70, 945-960. 陈高凌(2001):〈义与面子在华人家庭暴力里的运作及其对治疗之启示〉。《本土心理学研究》,15期,页63-111。台北:桂冠图书公司。
- The scholars in this school have a heavy orientation to psychology and social psychology. 这个学派的学者有着强烈的心理学和社会心理学的倾向。
- Strategies and sensitivities of the historian could enhance the understanding of social psychology. 研究策略和敏感性能够增强对社会心理学的理解。
- In substance, this so-called social psychology has been built upon the notion of imitation. 这个所谓的社会心理学从本质上讲是建立在模仿的概念之上的。
- DESC; Social Psychology is the scientific study of how we think about, influence and relate to one another. 社会心理学是研究我们如何思维,影响和联系他人的科学研究。
- In 1800, Robert Owen started to form an early experimental socialism society in Clyde Valley, Scotland where was thus called as New Lannark ten years later. 1800年,罗伯特·欧文开始在苏格兰克莱德河谷里营造一个早期社会主义实验的社会。 这里被称为新兰那克村。