- The third part: analysis and experience learning of government expenditure in higher education from the U.S. And Japan. 第三部分美日两国政府高等教育支出的分析与经验借鉴。
- Kolb's Experience Learning Theory emphasizes the role of experience in learning. 摘要库伯经验学习理论强调经验在学习中的作用。
- The other two modules will give you hands-on experience learning about how to apply the concepts of accuracy and precision. 另外两个单元学习的是精密度和准确度概念的应用。
- Three of the modules will give you hands-on experience learning about psychophysical methods typically used to measure accuracy and precision. 其中三个会给您与学习主要用于测定精密度和准确度的心理物理学测定法有关的亲身体验。
- I look forward to seeing all students retuning on Monday, behaving more favourably, so that we may all sharing, and experience learning in a positive and satisfying atmosphere. 期待大家经过调整课上举止行为能够更加得体,这样我们才能在一个积极的环境中享受学习的过程。
- It took me just on two hours to do this experiment. 做这个实验大约花了两个小时。
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- The results of the experiment varied wildly. 实验结果差异很大。
- Experience learned: A beginning seller's delay forebodes the bad result of an internet transaction. 得到的经验:初始的卖家拖延是不良网际网路交易结果的朕兆.
- Some scientists experiment on animals. 有些科学家用动物做试验。
- I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid. 我在做一个中和酸的实验。
- We will do a Chemistry experiment this Friday. 这个周五我们要做化学试验。
- May a good result wait upon your experiment. 祝你的实验取得满意的成果。
- More best practices will be identified and added to this site; existing practices will be modified in light of new experiences learned. 更多的最佳方式将经过鉴定列入本网站;现有的方式将根据新经验加以修改。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- experience learning process model 经验学习过程模型
- We need sublimate water for our experiment. 我们的实验需要纯净化的水。
- We did some singularly boring experiment. 我们做了一些非常乏味的试验。
- He is close about the experiment. 他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。
- The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 实验的目的是试验新药。