- experience of academic pursuit 治学经验
- It's a matter of academic concern. 那是学术方面的事。
- My Own Experience of Academic Research 我作学术研究的体会
- It is an experience of humiliation. 那是一次不光彩的经历。
- I have five year's experience of office work. 我有五年从事办公室工作的经验。
- Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗?
- A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade. 分数学业成绩的数字形式的单位,等于用字母表示的等级
- She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。
- Shall I narrate a strange experience of mine? 我把我的一次奇遇叙述一下好吗?
- A course of academic study; a curriculum. 学术课程学术性研究的课程;课程表
- Does she have much experience of teaching? 她教学经验丰富吗?
- This library hold lots of academic works. 这座图书馆有许多学术著作.
- The experience of the last few years has fully borne this out. 最近几年的经验完全证明了这一点。
- The library accommodates plenty of academic works. 这座图书馆有许多学术著作.
- I understand criticism of academic utopianism. 我理解对于学者式乌托邦主义的批评。
- He has many years' experience of the criminal mentality. 他研究犯罪心理有多年经验。
- I will not engage in activities bearing no relation with my academic pursuit in China. I will pay all expenses on time. 不从事学习目的以外的活动,按时缴纳学校规定的学生应该交纳的各项费用。
- I was deeply moved by their scrupulous spirit about every detail and keeping on improving in their academic pursuit. 他们一丝不苟、人不倦的治学态度使我深受感动。
- It's only a matter of academic interest to me now, as you might say, but I thought it would he interesting to know. 正如你可能会说的,这对我现在只不过是一个学术问题罢了,但我曾认为弄懂这个问题会是很有意思的。
- Gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand. 作为水手获得了航海的实践经验