- Can you tell me your expected income compensation package. 请谈一下你期望的收入.
- The domestic Stock market displays adds on expected income decelerated growth unsatisfactory, the personal expense also possibly receives implicates. 国内股票市场表现欠佳加上预期收入增长放缓,私人消费也可能受到拖累。
- The economic growth further postpones, next year the employment will be more difficult, the resident receives and the expected income is more unoptimistic. 经济增长进一步放缓,明年就业将更加困难,居民收入和预期收入更加不容乐观。
- On dodging tax, taxpayers always compare their risks and gains, and then report the most favorable amount of their income, so as to maximize their expected income. 纳税人在进行逃税活动时,总是权衡了风险和收益的情况下,选择最优的收入申报量,而使它的预期收入最大化。
- The paper establishes a competitive mode and concludes that it is an infallible result of repeated competition to transfer collective construction land use rights because transfer helps all the players to increase their expected income at all events. 通过重点构建集体建设用地使用权流转的利益博弈模型,求解表明:集体建设用地使用权流转是转出者、转入者和地方政府三方重复利益博弈的必然结果,因为无论何种条件下,流转都将有助于增加流转各方的预期收益。
- Per capita incomes rose sharply last year. 去岁人均收入剧增。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket. 他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。
- He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他进入决赛。
- The journey was not as nice as we had expected. 旅途不象我们预想的那样好。
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?
- I can't expect help from the idler. 我不能指望那个懒惰者的帮忙。
- Real incomes have gone up by 10% in the past year. 去年实际收入提高了10%25.
- I hadn't expected to rub up against them again. 我本来就没有料到会再次碰上他们。
- He is expected to win the game with ease. 预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。
- He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- He escaped more lightly than he has expected. 他比他所预料的更轻易地逃脱了。
- I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse. 我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。
- It wasn't as good as I'd expected. 这不如我原来想的那么好。
- Investment generates higher incomes. 投资带来更高的收入。