- Jul - Turbine has just announced a distribution deal with Warner Bros.Interactive Entertainment to get their upcoming lotro gold,buy lotro gold Online expansion Mines of ... 目前,省内钢铁行业产量已有所回升,原材料订单稍有增加,部分铁合金企业恢复生产,从而有效带动了电量回升。
- Metals undergo expansion when heated. 金属加热时会膨胀。
- The suburbs are an expansion of cities. 郊区是城市的延伸。
- He went heels over head into buying mining stock. 他购买了矿业股票,做事真鲁莽。
- This book is an expansion of the play he wrote before. 这本书是他以前写的剧本的扩充。
- This area depends on the mining industry. 这个地区以采矿业为经济基础。
- His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion. 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
- He tried gold mining, pearling and fur trapping. 他尝试过淘金,采珍珠和猎兽皮。
- He was trained there as a mining engineer. 他在那里被培养成一名采矿工程师。
- The expansion is fund completely by the private sector. 此项发展是完全由私营部门出资的。
- A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践
- The broker claimed that mining shares had moved up to a new level. 经纪人声称,矿业股票的行市已上升到新的水平。
- The new factory is large, to allow room for expansion. 新工厂很大,有地方可以扩展。
- Earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining. 废石在采矿过程中挖掘的土、岩石或粘土
- The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers. 工厂的扩展意味著将增雇六十名工人。
- More than60 pits in old mining areas are being extended. 老矿区的六十多个矿井正在扩建。
- An expansion wave in accelerating flow broadens. 膨胀波在加速流中变宽。
- This is nothing but the binomial expansion. 这不过是二项展开式。
- At last, their company obtained the mining concession. 他们的公司最终获得了采矿权。
- The circumstances were not propitious for further expansion of the company. 这些情况不利于公司的进一步发展。