- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- The person of ingratitude has a sad exit at last. 那个忘恩负义的人最终的下场很可悲。
- I was eventually granted an exit visa. 我终于获得了出境签证。
- The heroine makes her exit (from the stage). 女主角退场。
- The word "exit" was lettered on the door. "出口"两字写在门上。
- There is only one exit from the theater. 这家戏院只有一个出口处。
- Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel. 传送的指通过导管或管道传送下来的或输送的
- At the roundabout, take the third exit. 在环状交叉路口,从第三条出路驶出。
- exit duct 排出通道
- Six dampers (two in the bypass ducting and four in each of the entering and exiting ducting to the FGD system) allow flue gas to bypass the FGD system and go directly to the stack. 6个档板(两个在旁路烟道上,四个在脱硫岛进口和出口侧)允许烟气不经过脱硫岛而直接进入烟囱。
- A duct often contains cross braces. 管道内往往是有支撑拉条。
- A tube or duct for enclosing electric wires or cable. 线管包裹电线或电缆的管子或沟道
- A/C duct and vent duct structure of W/H Deck. 驾驶甲板空调、机械风管结构。
- Press here to exit this screen and save the name. 按此处退出本屏幕并保存名字。
- Maybe you have never heard of duct tape. 也许你还没有听说过管道胶带吧。
- The tie on the cystic duct may slip off. 在胆囊管上的结扎可能滑脱。
- The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp. 那辆劳斯莱斯在出口的斜坡附近赶上了我们。
- The card in your seat pocket will tell you where the emergency exit be. 您座位口袋里的卡片会告诉您安全门在哪儿。
- The exit of the tunnel is concealed. 地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。