- exhaust steam moisture 排汽湿度
- This depends on the purpose for which the exhaust steam is used. 这取决于废蒸气所用的目的。
- The exhaust steam retains a considerable amount of heat. 废气仍保持相当的热量。
- Vacuum condenser is applicable to condensing exhaust steam from steam turbine. 真空冷凝器适用于从汽轮机发电机组、汽轮机货油泵及其它轮机排出的蒸汽。
- Irrespective of disconnection of a fan, control of the exhaust steam pressure, must be maintained. 必须保持风机不被无端的断开,排气压力在控制之下。
- A heat exchanger which is the cold source in a closed steam cycle and condenses the exhaust steam of the turbine. 在闭合蒸汽循环中,作为冷源将汽轮机的排汽进行冷凝的热交换器。
- The part of the boiler in which the exhaust steam of the high-pressure part is superheated again. 锅炉中将汽轮机高压缸排出的蒸汽再次过热的部件。
- According to the new varying operation conditions theory, it introduces a new type and exact method to calculate the exhaust steam enthalpy. 根据此变工况理论,给出了计算排汽焓的新型准确的方法。
- EMCYLDN oils 460C, 680C are compounded grades to provide better adhesion to cylinder walls, and better separation from exhaust steam. EMCYLDN系列中的460C与680C为复合配方,对于汽缸壁的黏附性更佳,并且更容易与排出的水蒸汽分离。
- The air-cooled steam condenser (ACC) condenses the turbine exhaust steam or the de-superheated steam from the turbine bypass by rejecting the heat to the atmosphere. 空冷凝汽器(acc)通过向大气释放热量对汽机排汽或汽机旁路的减温过热蒸汽进行冷凝。
- Obviously, without measuring the flow or the exhaust steam dryness, the heat consumption rate and the dryness of the units can be monitored on line relatively accurately. 该方法不用测量流量,也不用测量排汽干度,就能比较准确地在线监测机组热耗率和排汽干度。
- Low-pressure cylinder exhaust steam flow 低压缸排汽流量
- combined main and exhaust steam turbine (新汽-乏汽)双汽源汽轮机
- Auxiliary turbine exhaust steam feed heater 辅汽轮机排汽给水预热器
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 热空气把土里的湿气都吸干了。
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空气中的水分。
- Auxiliary turbine exhaust steam feed heating 辅机排汽预热给水
- The plants drink in moisture from the atmosphere. 植物从大气中吸取水分。
- specific enthalpy of exhaust steam 排汽比焓
- The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。