- exergy efficiency analysis (火用)效率分析
- The results of the exergy analysis indicates the methods to increase the exergy efficiency of the system. 指出了直接接触式蓄冷空调系统的优点,并通过(?)损失分析提出了提高系统(?)效率的途径。
- Secondly, a common integrated OTEC system is analyzed in the method of exergy analysis, which shows the relation between exergy losses in every part, energy or exergy efficiency of the system and many factors. 其次,利用?分析方法对一般混合式海洋温差能利用系统进行了分析,得出诸多因素与混合式海洋温差能利用系统各部件的?损及系统的能、?效率的关系。
- The exergy analysis is employed to investigate on the thermal performance of re-generative heat exchanger.The exergy efficiency is introduced to combine the heat transfer andfluid flow characteristic. 本文把可用能分析的方法引入到蓄热式热交换器热工特性的研究中,提出的可用能效率综合了传热和流动两方面的因素。
- Both the performance and exergy efficiency are the biggest under the optimal rotary speed. 除湿转轮在最佳转速下运行时其除湿性能及(火用)效率同时达最大;
- On the performance evaluation and efficiency analysis of firms II. 企业绩效评估与效率分析2。
- Finally, the energy saving way is gained with the calculating exergy efficiency and exegry lost coefficient of CCHP. 对联供系统的(火用)效率和各部件的(火用)损失系数进行了计算,得出了系统节能的主要努力方向。
- The power of dehumidification increases and exergy efficiency decreases when regenerative temperature is rising. 提高再生温度可以提高除湿转轮的除湿性能,但其(火用)效率却随再生温度的增加而下降。
- SMT production capacity and efficiency analysis and improving. 分析生产产能和改善、提高生产效率。
- The research result indicts the target exergy efficiency of SSPLI is higher than the tube-shell’s. 研究结果表明:超音速激波升压换热器的目的火用 效率高于面式加热器的目的火用 效率。
- As the other conditions were fixed, there exited an optimal generator temperature, at which exergy efficiency was the highest and the total losses were the lowest. 在其他条件一定时,系统存在一个最佳的发生器温度使系统的(火用)效率最高,总(火用)损失最小。
- By taking electricity consumption of pump into account to modify the exergy efficiency, the operation mode at the small flow and high reinjection water temperature has eyen more advantages. 将水泵消耗的电能计入(火用)效率,对(火用)效率进行修正,小流量、高回灌水温度运行模式具有更大的优势。
- The results show that DCOP cycle has the highest COP and exergy efficiency, DCDL cycle has the lowest COP and exergy efficiency, the COP and exergy efficiency of DCDH cycle are very closer to those of DCOP cycle. 结果表明 ,DCOP循环的性能系数和效率最高 ; DCDL循环的最低 ;
- With the application of the model, the exergy efficiency and the exergy loss in the system of ironmaking (sintering, spheric, ironmaking) is analyzed and direction and path of energy conservation are described. 应用该模型,分析了铁前各工序(烧结、球团、炼铁工序)的(火用)效率、(火用)损失,指出了铁前工序的节能方向和途径。
- It is found that for the PTR studied the coefficient of performance of the double inlet type can be improved from 0.091 to 0.108 and from 25.04% to 29.95% for the corresponding exergy efficiency compared with the orifice type. 计算结果表明:针对所研究的脉管制冷机从小孔型到双向进气型的改进使得制冷机的制冷系数从0.;091提高到了0
- By the calulation of the heat balance and the exergy balance for cylinder drying kiln of Jilin Nickel industry Company,the heat efficiency and the exergy efficiency have been found out in this paper. 通过对吉林镍业公司干燥炉窑进行热平衡及火用平衡的计算,得出了热效率和火用效率,据此分析并提出了该干燥炉窑的有效节能途径。
- Exergy equation of steady state flow condition is used to calculate the exergy loss and exergy efficiency of the air treatment system and the cooling-box system of large scale air separation system. 应用稳流系统的火用方程对大型空分系统的空气处理系统和冷箱系统进行了火用及火用效率计算,进而可得知系统各个环节能源利用情况,同时简单介绍了减少火用损失、提高火用效率的一般措施。
- Economical Efficiency Analysis of Power and Heat Cogeneration in Shanxi Hepo Power Generation Co. Ltd. 河坡电厂热电联产供热经济性分析。
- The calculation results show that the overall exergy efficiency for recovering the waste heat of PAFC and the cold energy of LNG can reach 47% when the working fluid is pure water. 对循环的分析表明,当工质为水时,该循环对PAFC废热和LNG冷能的可用能的回收效率最大可达47%25左右。
- The glass tube which envelopes the absorber and the absorbant coatings can both largely reduce heat loss of the receiver and improve the energy and exergy efficiencies of PTC. 在吸收管外加玻璃套管或加吸收涂层都对减少接收器热损失,提高装置的能量效率与(火用)效率有明显的效果,玻璃套管和吸收涂层的成本效益都很好。