- exercise related sudden death 运动猝死
- exercise-- related sudden death 运动猝死
- His sudden death upset everybody. 他的突然去世使大家深感悲伤。
- I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death. 听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。
- He was numbed by his wife's sudden death. 妻子的突然去世使他惊呆了。
- We were astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
- His wife's sudden death upset the balance ofhis mind. 他妻子突然去世,他感到六神无主。
- There had to be an inquest on his sudden death. 必须对他的突然死亡进行调查。
- The sudden death of her mother's caused her grief. 母亲的死很突然,她很难受。
- The news of her son's sudden death bowled me out. 她儿子猝然辞世的消息使我大吃一惊。
- He was numbed by his wife rs sudden death. 妻子的突然去世使他惊呆了。
- We are astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
- Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country. 她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊。
- Her sudden death left the party leaderless. 她的猝然去世使该党陷入群龙无首的境地。
- His sudden death turned her world upside down. 他的遽然离世使她的生活完全乱套了。
- She was shocked by the sudden death of her father. 她被父亲的突然死亡震惊了。
- His sudden death upset our plan. 他的猝死打乱了我们的计划。
- His sudden death was a great surprise. 他突然去世了,这件事使人感到非常意外。
- We are all shocked by the news of his sudden death. 他的突然去世使我们大家都感到震惊。
- The sudden death of his wife shattered his dream. 他妻子的突然去世粉碎了他的梦想。