- exemption of antitrust 反垄断豁免
- Agreement for reciprocal exemption of tax on shipping income?? 互免海运企业运输收入税收协定;??
- Pfizer the drug manufacturer was guilty of antitrust violations. “辉瑞”制药公司因违反反托拉斯法而被判有罪...
- Tax and duty exemption of imported spare parts and supplies. 免除进口零部件的关税。
- Exchange Note for reciprocal exemption of tax on shipping income?? 互免海运企业运输收入税收换文;??
- Liberal platforms regularly pronounce in favour of antitrust enforcement. 自由党的政纲通常赞成执行反托拉斯法。
- Application of prefrential income tax rate, and exemption of income tax. 适用优惠所得税税率,及所得税免除
- Giving an exemption of small undistributed earnings to upgrade efficiency.7. 六、小额未分配盈余免税,以降低稽征成本。
- With the development of antitrust economics and US economy, US antitrust law has been changing greatly. 近年来,由于反托拉斯经济理论和美国经济的发展,美国反托拉斯司法实践出现一些新的变化。
- Timothy Hester is a partner who concentrates in the field of antitrust litigation and antitrust counseling matters. 提摩希·赫斯特是本律所的一名合伙人,他主要集中于反托拉斯诉讼和反托拉斯咨询服务领域的业务。
- Compared with ex post licensing. ex ante licensing can improve social welfare under the framework of antitrust law. 与事后许可相比,事前许可能在反拉斯法的框架下导致社会褔利的帕累托改进。
- When an oil tanker is in full load, a certificate of exemption of deratization may be issued. 对油轮在实舱时进行检查,可以签发免予除鼠证书。
- If I have already paid tax in the Mainland, can I apply for exemption of Hong Kong Salaries Tax? 如我的入息已在内地课税,可否申请豁免缴纳香港薪俸税?
- Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or a crime by the power of the executor of the laws. 赦免由执法人员对已判有罪的犯人所做的对过失或罪行惩罚的免除
- Leibowitz is known for championing consumer protections, and as a FTC commissioner he pushed for greater enforcement of antitrust violations. 雷博维茨以倡导消费者权益保护而闻名,而作为联邦贸易委员会的主席,他推行的是更为严厉的反垄断措施。
- USA is the leader of regulating the exemption of fraud exception rule, and UK also confirm it by a series of cases. 美国率先在美国《统一商法典》中规定了信用证欺诈例外原则的豁免,英国也通过一系列的判例对信用证欺诈例外的豁免给以肯定。
- By my calculations, the transaction produces HHI scores that would have resulted in a summary dismissal of antitrust concerns in either the U.S. or EU. 经过我的计算,这桩交易的HHI值在美国和欧盟都会即刻得到不存在垄断问题的结果。
- Hangzhou area exempt deposit exemption of the best loan guarantee quick credit is that need money! 杭州地区最好的免押金免担保放款快信用贷款是那家急需用钱!
- At the same time,we should adopt bilateral(agreements) and multilateral agreements to resolve the conflicts of antitrust ... 同时采用双边协定与多边协定并用的方式来解决域外适用中的冲突。