- Will that drive executive pay down? 这是否会促使公司高管的薪酬下降?
- The banks wanted us to cut executive pay, skip dividends, and all the rest. 银行要我们削减高级职员的薪金,停付红利,如此等等。
- "Why has executive pay risen so much in the last 15 years?" Guay asks. 盖伊问道:“为什么高管薪酬在过去15年的上涨幅度这么大?
- In general, businesses looking for a top-level executive pay a headhunter on a retainer basis, and those looking for middle-level managers pay on a contingency basis. 一般来说,招聘高级经理人才的公司往往以劳务费的形式支付给猎头公司,而那些寻找中层管理人才的公司则会以酬金的形式支付。
- This is not to deny the abuses and downright crookery that have marred executive pay. 然而一味指责高级经理人并不是最明智之举。
- No one is suggesting that limiting executive pay will, by itself, return struggling firms to profitability. 没有人提议将限定的高管的工资单独返还给苦苦挣扎的企业的收益。
- Others will legislate on executive pay, or oblige banks to lend money in ways the state deems desirable. 还有一些做法会针对高管薪酬立法,或者强迫银行通过符合国家需要的方式放贷。
- But you wouldn't know it from the halfhearted response to proposals giving investors a direct say on executive pay. 但这一点从股东们对投票表决高管薪酬的提案做出的冷淡反应中却一点儿也看不出来。
- For the management, one attraction of repaying is freedom from government restrictions on executive pay. 对于管理层来说,偿还贷款其中一个好处是高管薪资不再接受政府限制。
- The decision comes as the Obama administration readies its ideas for reforming executive pay. 做出这一决定是因为奥巴马政府决心对管理人员的报酬制度进行改革。
- "We'd like to see better transparency and accountability, frankly," of executive pay practices, Geithner said. “坦率地说,我们将会在公司高层薪水支付问题上更加透明,”盖特纳说。
- But the SEC has no legal authority to limit executive pay, nor would such authority be a good idea. 然而证交会并没有权力限制管理人员的薪金,即使有这样的权力也并非是一件好事。
- Mr van der Veer said companies needed to respond to rising concerns about executive pay. 范德伟表示,公司有必要对围绕高管薪酬日渐加剧的担忧做出回应。
- The leaders promised to keep closer watch over banks, hedge funds, credit rating agencies and executive pay. 首脑们约定要密切关注银行保值基金,信贷机构,行政支出。
- On the question of executive pay, the crisis is sending shudders through corporate boards. 在高管限薪的问题上,金融危机也对公司董事会带来了极大振动。
- The Blair government has not managed to create a noticeably fairer society, as the beginnings of a backlash against the bonus and executive pay bonanza in the City attest. 人们开始激烈反对金融城奖金和高管薪酬,证明布莱尔政府没能大幅改善社会公平。
- The leaders promised to keep close a closer watch of over banks, ? hedge funds, credit reading ege? rating agencies and executive pay. 领导人承诺密切关注银行、避险基金、信用评级机构及主管的收支。
- The leaders promise promised to keep closer watch over banks, hege hedge funds, credit rating agencies and executive pay. 各国领导人许诺将密切关注银行,避险基金,客户信贷分类处和行政部门支出。
- Participating firms would have to give the government some form of equity or debt interest and accept limits on executive pay. 参与这项计划的公司必须以权益或债务的形式给政府一定利益,并且接受高管薪酬上限。
- Given the hassle, and congressionally mandated restraints on executive pay, no bank CEO prefers to take more taxpayer money. 考虑到此前的风波以及国会对高管薪酬作出的强行限制,没有哪家银行的首席执行长会想再求助于纳税人资金。