- Article 4. ASCO shall have a standing council as its decision-making organ, a board of executors as its executive organ, and a board of supervisors as its supervising organ. 第四条亚洲安全合作组织得设议事会、理事会和监事会为其治理机构。
- Article 4. The IMCO shall have a board of directors as its decision-making organ, a board of executors as its executive organ, a board of supervisors as its supervising organ. 第四条国际货币合作组织得设董事会、理事会和监事会为其治理机构。
- Article 4.The IMCO shall have a board of directors as its decision-making organ, a board of executors as its executive organ, a board of supervisors as its supervising organ. 第四条 国际货币合作组织得设董事会、理事会和监事会为其治理机构。
- The trade union organization of each enterprise will function as the executive organ of the congresses and general meetings. 各企业的工会,将成为职工代表大会和职工大会的工作机构。
- Establish the leading and executive organs for "Digital Olympics",and create an organizing system that will ensure smooth implementation of the Action Plan for "Digital Olympics". 建立"数字奥运"领导机构和实施机构,构建能够确保"数字奥运"行动规划顺利实施的组织体系。
- It is a fundamental principle of common law jurisdictions that members of the judiciary are completely independent of the executive organ of government in the performance of their judicial duties. 根据普通法的基本原则,司法人员执行司法职责时,完全不受政府的行政机关影响。香港一向依循这项原则。
- The citizens, legal person or other institutions may put forward opinions and suggestions to the establishment organ and executive organ about the establishment and implementation of the administrative license. 公民、法人或者其他组织可以向行政许可的设定机关和实施机关就行政许可的设定和实施提出意见和建议。
- After this date, the Executive Organizer cannot guarantee to maintain the above room rates nor room availability. 此日期后,承办单位恕不能保证维持上述房价及满足您的订房要求。
- Establish the leading and executive organs for "Digital Olympics", and create an organizing system that will ensure smooth implementation of the Action Plan for "Digital Olympics". 建立"数字奥运"领导机构和实施机构,构建能够确保"数字奥运"行动规划顺利实施的组织体系。
- Execution organs can set up executing bureaus with Courts one and Court two and a colligated office. 执行机构可以在法院成立执行局,内设执行一庭、执行二庭和综合处。
- If they discover any illegalities, they shall notify the executing organs to correct them. 如果发现有违法的情况,应当通知执行机关纠正。”
- An executing organ shall take a criminal into custody without delay and notify the family members of the criminal. 执行机关应当将罪犯及时收押,并且通知罪犯家属。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- Bill is chairman of the executive committee. 比尔是执行委员会主席。
- The people's procuratorate shall supervise the executing organ's activities in executing criminal punishment to see if such activities conform to the law. 第二百二十四条人民检察院对执行机关执行刑罚的活动是否合法实行监督。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- He is on the executive committee. 他是该执行委员会委员。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- He is a man of great executive ability. 他是个具有极高管理才能的人。
- A young executive moving upward fast. 一位爬升得很快的年轻经理