- The Supreme Court will allow Congress to share its legislative power with the executive branch by delegating aspects of that power to executive agencies. 最高法院允许国会通过授权行政机构将立法权分配给行政部门。
- Increased congressional use of federal executive agencies to administer federal statutes and to promulgate regulations which effectuate legislative policies. 半个世纪以来,国会越来越多地运用联邦行政机构,由它们管理联邦法律、颁布履行立法政策的行政法规。
- Control valves and valve general, the executing agency. 控制阀一般由执行机构和阀门组成。
- The National Biodiversity Authority shall be the executing agency of this Act. 国家生物多样性管理局应为本法的执行机构。
- Administration in Great Britain is handled by separate executive agencies of the Department of Social Security. In Northern Ireland by the Social Security Agency. 大不列颠的社会保险由社会保险部独立执行机构管理,在北爱尔兰则是社会保险局。
- The plans were finally put into execution. 这些计划终於得以实施。
- Do the time of the execution of the work suit you? 贵方觉得工程完成期限定得合适吗?
- The speech did good execution for our side. 这篇讲话对我们这一方大有良好效果。
- The artillery did great execution. 这种大炮的威力很大。
- The prisoner made shrift before his execution. 这个犯人在被处死前做了忏悔。
- The execution of the bandits took place today. 匪徒们於今天处决。
- The Canadian executing agency for the project is Agriteam Canada Consulting Limited, from Calgary, Alberta. 中国农业部是中国实施本项目的中方负责机构。
- Executing agency [UNDP] Organization that implements a project on behalf of another. 执行机构[联合国开发计划署]代表另一个组织实施一个项目的组织。
- The components of this system include signal sensors, electronic control unit(ECU) and executing agency. VNT电控系统的硬件组成包括信号采集、电控单元(ECU)和执行机构三部分。
- The CCP conference of the MOH raised the opinion on establish a NCMS executive agency on August 19, 2004. 全国新型农村合作医疗的管理及相关领域的科研都需要该机构来完成。
- Our company has agencies in major cities of the country. 我们公司在国内主要城市都设有代理机构。
- The pianist's execution of the concerto was marvellous. 那钢琴师弹的协奏曲神乎其技。
- The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother's will. 律师正著手执行我母亲的遗嘱。
- The court granted the company a two weeks stay of execution. 法院准予公司有两周的延缓执行判决的时间。
- The time of execution of the work suit us quite well. 工程完成期限对我们完全合适。